BSHS in Clinical Research Administration

The BSHS program in Clinical Research Administration prepares students to be on the leading edge of making sure that new medications, medical devices, biologics, and treatments are safe and effective. Students will learn the fundamentals of planning, managing, supporting, and conducting clinical trials along with bioethics, Good Clinical Practices, human subject protection, scientific and regulatory requirements, monitoring, and the business side of clinical research. Graduates can work in positions such as clinical research coordinator, clinical research associate, clinical research project manager, operations manager, safety manager, and regulatory specialist.

Admission/Eligibility Requirements

  • Completion of an applicable associate degree from a partner community college.
  • Graduated with a cumulative GPA in the applicable associate degree of 2.75 or greater for the CRA BSHS program.
  • Completed each transferable coursework with a grade of “C" or higher.  If a course is repeated, only the higher grade will count.
  • Completed GW application process.
  • Students applying to BSHS/MSHS dual degree programs must have a cumulative GPA of 3.3 or greater.
  • Letters of Recommendation (one for the BSHS program and two for the dual degree programs) are waived for all GAA applicants if they meet the above requirements.
Prerequisite Courses Examples
6 credits in english composition english composition I and english composition II

3 credits in humanities

art theory/history, literature, philosophy, history, ethics, religion,  foreign language, etc...
3 credits in college math (college algebra, statistics, or higher) college algebra, precalculus, calculus, statistics, etc…
6 credits in social sciences sociology, psychology, economics, anthropology, criminology, political science, etc...
4 credits of natural or physical science with lab biology with lab, anatomy and physiology with lab, chemistry with lab, physics with lab, physics with lab, etc…

For more information

Program Director: Kathy Thoma, EdD, CCRP, CPH
Program Website

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