Guaranteed Admission Agreements

GW symbol on a campus building

Guaranteed Admission Agreement (GAA)

The GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences has established guaranteed admission agreements with community colleges.  These agreements provide students who have earned their associate degree (AA, AS, or AAS) at the community college, a pathway to GW's Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences (BSHS) or the dual-degree option, Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences and Master of Science in Health Sciences (BSHS/MSHS).

GAA Partners

  • Anne Arundel Community College
  • College of Southern Maryland
  • Frederick Community College
  • Hudson Valley Community College
  • Montgomery College
  • Prince George's Community College
  • Reading Area Community College
  • Virginia's Community Colleges

Admission/ Eligibility Requirements and Program Pathways

The BSHS degree requires the successful completion of 120 credit hours. General education courses and program prerequisites are required and must be completed as part of or in addition to the associate degree before enrolling at GW. Students who meet all the admissions requirements will be eligible for guaranteed admission. If you do not meet the requirements, your application will be processed as a regular transfer admission. The application fee for GAA transfer students will be waived and students are not required to submit a letter of recommendation. Profession-based Centralized Application System fees will still apply.

The Department of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences