SMHS Research Centers

SMHS research centers lay the foundation for future programmatic activities. The establishment and review of GW Research Centers is now a school-based process. The GW Office of the Vice Provost of Research continues a separate process to identify GW Institutes that facilitate and strengthen scholarly activity across the university (see GW Center and Institute website), and will continue to review proposed research Center names and to facilitate collaborations among Centers, as appropriate. This document outlines the process for review and recognition of Research Centers based at SMHS.

Center Objectives - An SMHS research center should:

  • Involve a collaborative group of investigators
  • Have a unique focus
  • Describe programmatic objectives
  • Provide some benefit to the school
  • Present a visible area for philanthropy
  • Address a current need
  • Fully participate in SMHS policies and guidelines for research

Benefits to Centers - SMHS will provide:

  • Listing on SMHS Research website
  • Assistance to create and maintain a Center website, if requested
  • Assembly support for large programmatic applications
  • Regular meetings with Communications and Development staff
  • Links provided to OVPR

Metrics for Center performance and review include:

  • Members and department affiliations
  • Center focus or mission related to research strategic plan
  • Center interactions or events
  • Peer reviewed publications by members related to Center focus
  • External funding awarded to the Center or members related to Center focus
  • Citation data, invention disclosures, patents related to Center focus
  • Conferences/ events held for GW or other audience on Center focus

Application and Review Process:

SMHS will deploy a three-year review cycle for research centers at SMHS. Applications will be initiated online. Application reviews will be conducted at a joint meeting of the Council of Chairs and Research Committee, and recommendations provided to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Assembly. If approved by the Executive Committee, SMHS Center information then will be shared with OVPR. Annual reports from each center will be provided to the SMHS Research Committee and presented to the Executive Committee (solicited by SMHS SADR).

Please contact Alison Hall, PhD, Senior Associate Dean for Research for additional information or Pesha Rubinstein ( with any questions regarding the application process.

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