Research initiatives have driven SMHS Research Trends and built a vibrant research faculty and collaborations. Scientific core facilities facilitate discoveries leading to emerging research.
Research is driving change in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences. See our SMHS Research Trends.
Need an expert? Find faculty researchers in the searchable GW faculty research database, and in our expert faculty listed in the SMHS Directory, Children’s National Directory, Medical Faculty Associates Directory, and in the GW Expert Finder. Watch as GW faculty describe their Reasons for Research.
GW is a proud partner in the Clinical Translational Science Initiative at Children’s National (CTSI-CN). The mission of the CTSI-CN is to foster broad collaborative investigation that accelerates discovery and drives dialogue across the bench, bedside, and community continuum, and the CTSI-CN offers unique resources to investigators.
Many GW faculty are involved in clinical trials at the Medical Faculty Associates and in medical research at the DC Veterans Administration.
Our research achievements continue to impact the lives in the US and across the globe.