NIH Grants Submission – Check List For Proposals
(NIH required documents to be written with Arial 11pt, No header or footer on any document)
General Proposal Check List – Documents needed for submission and internal routing
- Project Abstract/Summary (Limited to 30 lines)
- Project Narrative (Limited to 3 Sentences)
- Introduction to application (For resubmission or renewal only; limited to 1 page)
- Specific Aims (Limited to 1 page)
- Research Strategy (Limited to 12 pages)
- Bio-Sketch for all PIs (Bio-Sketch is limited to 4 pages; should include a personal statement and should have 15 publications most relevant to the application)
- Facilities and Resources (Describe how existent facilities and resources can contribute to the success of the project)
- Personnel Justification (Should include personnel’s effort in calendar months for all personals active in the grant)
- Literature Cited
- Vertebrate Animals (If using animals)
- Budget
- Routing Form
- Conflict of Interest for all PIs)
- Compliance form (If using any animals or recombinant DNA)
- Cost Sharing Form (If existent, do not fill in effort and people at the top)
- Letter of Supports
- Subcontract with other Institutes
- Scope of work
- Budget from Sub-Institute
- Bio-Sketch for all Sub-Institutes PIs
- F&A Agreement of Sub-Institute
- Letter of intent/support
18) Cost Analysis form
19) Consortium/Contractual Arrangement
20) Multiple PI leadership plan
NIH Grants Submission – Check List For Subcontract Proposals
(NIH required documents to be written with Arial 11pt, No header or footer on any document)
General Proposal Check List – Documents needed for submission
- Subcontract with other Institutes
- Scope of work
- Budget
- Budget Justification (Should include personnel’s effort in calendar months for all personnel active on the grant)
- Bio-Sketch for all PIs (Bio-Sketch is limited to 4 pages; should include a personal statement and should have 15 publications most relevant to the application)
- Facilities and Resources (Describe how existent facilities and resources can contribute to the success of the project)
- F&A Agreement of Sub-Institute
- Letter of intent (Should be signed by both the PI(s) and the Institution Authorized Organizational Representative)