Grants, scholarships, fellowships and pilot funds help to support our groundbreaking biomedical research. Funding opportunities from the federal government are shared on grants.gov, Candid is a database of philanthropy, Pivot is a searchable database, and the Grantsmanship Center lists grants available by state. Frequently used NIH research grant programs are described by Activity Code. NIH Research Career Development website includes links to NIH applications and instructions. Learn more about how to prepare a winning application.
All proposals from GW students, faculty and staff must utilize myResearch for electronic routing and approval through the Office of Sponsored Projects. Even if a proposal is submitted electronically via an agency’s website, it must also be routed through Cayuse! All school and institute-level approvals must be complete five full business days prior to the funding agency deadline.
Funded Investigators: NIH RePORT
NIH RePORT is a good starting point to find NIH funded researchers at your own institution or another location. Federal RePORTER includes NSF grants.
Search for Funding Opportunities
Research Matters Funding Announcements support research by alerting you to funding opportunities, sharing research news, and providing a database of research faculty. Funding opportunities will be emailed weekly to all GW affiliated subscribers of a particular theme. Subscribe to Funding Announcements.
Get an eRA Commons Account
Applications to the NIH require you to obtain an eRA Commons account initiated by completing this form, and submitted to GW.