Health Services Research

Health Services Research addresses important issues about access to health care, quality and cost, and utilization of health services. This multidisciplinary field of research studies how social factors, financing systems, technologies, organizational structures and processes, and personal behaviors contribute to health and well-being. Research studies often include patients, clinicians, policymakers and the community to innovate and inform health care. Many researchers explore why-if guidelines exist, or interventions were implemented—the problem still exists. Health services research fills the key gap between cures to care.

Health Services Journal Club
Health Sciences Research Journal Club Flyer

SMHS is launching a new, monthly journal club featuring recent health services research publications from top faculty. You’ll keep up with the latest GW research and find new ways to translate knowledge to enhance your clinical practice. Your in-person attendance is highly encouraged.

All are Welcome! Come join your colleagues for a lively discussion on today’s most compelling topics.

Review the Research Paper for September's Meeting

View Journal Club Calendar

Introduction to Health Services Research Course/ Badge

An Introduction to Health Services Research has been designed for clinicians interested in developing the skills necessary to engage in health services research (HSR). Learners will be introduced to HSR conceptual models in a learning health system, designing a research trajectory, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method methodologies, community-based research strategies, ethical considerations in HSR, utilization of big data/EMR, funding mechanisms as well as writing and dissemination.  Each of the nine modules incorporates case studies, lectures, readings, and discussions with experts. Upon course completion, learners will have the knowledge and skills to begin their personal health services research line of inquiry.

View HSR Course Overview

Health Services Resources
  • Scholarly Resources
  • Other Resources