Time to Complete Tables

The Time to Complete Tables are general guidelines on program length for standard program admissions with no interruptions or changes in enrollment. Any Leave of Absence taken during program enrollment, course repeats, or decelerations will result in increases in time to complete. The number of credits for part-time and full-time status varies by level and program. Part-time and full-time options may not be available in all programs.


Program Part-Time 
(6 credits/semester)
(12 credits/semester)
AS 3 semesters 2 semesters
BSHS* 10 semesters 5 semesters
MLS Categorical Certificate 3 semesters No full-time option
MLS Certificate 6 semesters  4 semesters
Pre-Medicine Certificate No part-time option 3 semesters**

*Time to complete for major courses only. If missing general education or electives, time to complete increases.

**Cohort program with fixed program of study. Please refer to program website for information on credits by semester.

Graduate and Doctoral

Program Part-Time
(6 credits/semester)
(9 credits/semester)
Graduate Certificate 6 semesters No full-time option
INTM Graduate Certificate 4 semesters No full-time option
MSHS 6 semesters 4 semesters
OTD No part-time option 8 semesters
PA No part-time option 6 semesters^
DPT No part-time option 8 semesters^
Ph.D. No part-time option 9 semesters
(coursework only)^^

^Full-time status requires more than 9 credits per semester. Please refer to program website for more information.

^^Time to complete for coursework only. Dissertation time varies by student.