About the Housestaff Council
The Housestaff Council looks to the following rules to guide future projects and actions.
1. This is a council of collaboration and respect, all members will approach others with an open mind and the utmost professionalism.
2. We will advance the quality of GW residency programs in wellness, clinical quality, healthcare information technology, and all other aspects of clinical medicine and non-clinical residency life.
3. We will foster collaboration among residents, fellows, specialties, and hospital committees in order to reduce task duplication, increase productivity and advocate effectively toward our common goals.
The Housestaff Council meets quarterly. Attendance is limited to members nominated and selected to the Housestaff Council. Representatives are elected yearly. Please email our leadership if you would like to get involved to find out who your specialty representative is. You may review our bylaws for more details.
Housestaff Council Leadership: 2024-25
President: Hayes Patrick - Neurosurgery (hpatrick@email.gwu.edu)
Secretary: Hashem Hraky - Emergency Medicine (hashem.hraky@gwu.edu )
Treasurer: Ashley Wong-Naftulin - Internal Medicine (ashley.wongnaftulin@gwu.edu)
If you are interested in being part of the Housestaff Council, we solicit representatives every year in July and August. Each program has 1 representative for every 10 residents/fellows. Please connect with our new president, or your chiefs to get involved!