Summer Prematriculation Program

This four-week program provides an enriching academic, social, and environmental adjustment to medical school, the GW campus, and the Foggy Bottom community. All participants receive on-campus housing and a stipend, and are matched with a current student mentor. The program provides early content and eases the transition into the first-year M.D. Program curriculum. Workshops are provided on study and test-taking skills, stress reduction, and other strategies for success.

Enrollment is limited and requires no application. This program is offered by invitation only to students that the Committee on Admissions believes would benefit from the program. If selected, an invitation for this required experience will be made at the time of the offer of admission. For more information, contact the Office of Admissions at sends email).                                

Workshops May Include:

  • Campus Orientation
  • Learning Assessment
  • Learning Skills
  • Study Skills
  • Time Management
  • Stress Management
  • Stress Management
  • Library Orientation
  • Test-Taking Strategies
  • Success Strategies
  • Student-Planned Activities