Criminal Justice Health References and Resources for Health Care Professionals

Criminal Justice Health Overview

  • Alper et al. 2018 update on prisoner recidivism: A 9-year follow-up period (2005-2014). Bureau of Justice Statistics, May 2018, NCJ 250975.
  • Bourgois P et al. Structural vulnerability: Operationalizing the concept to address health disparities in clinical care. Acad Med. 2017;92(3):299.
  • Puglisi L. et al. What does health justice look like for people returning from incarceration? AMA J of Ethics. 2017;19(9):903.
  • Wang EA et al. Engaging individuals recently released from prison into primary care: A randomized trial.  Am J of Public Health. 2012;102(9):e22
  • Kendig NE. The potential to advance health care in the US criminal justice system. JAMA. 2016;316(4):387.
  • Kendig NE. Correctional health systems and collaboration with academic medicine. JAMA 2004;292(4):502.

Additional References

Correctional Medicine (General)

  • Allen B et al. Games Criminals Play: How You Can Profit from Knowing Them. Rae John, Sacramento, CA, February, 1981.
  • Rold WJ. Thirty years after Estelle v. Gamble:  A legal retrospective.  J of Correctional Health Care. 2008;14(1):11-20.
  • Medical Autonomy and Incident Reporting, Position Statement, National Commission on Correctional Health Care, October 2015. 
  • Correctional Health Professionals’ Response to Inmate Abuse, Position Statement, National Commission on Correctional Health Care, April 2017.
  • Peteet T. et al. How should a health care professional respond to an incarcerated patient’s request for a particular treatment? AMA J of Ethics. 2017;19(9):894.
  • Sue K. How to talk with patients about incarceration and health. AMA J of Ethics. 2017;19(9):885.
  • Nguyen TT et al.  Words matter:  a call for humanizing and respectful language to describe people who experience incarceration.  BMC International Health and Human Rights  2018;18:41.

Additional References

Behavioral Health

  • Ranapunwala SI et al. Opioid overdose mortality among former North Carolina inmates: 2000-2015. Am J Public Health. 2018;108:1207.
  • Binswanger, IA et al. Release from prison --- A high risk of death for former inmates. N Engl J Med. 2007;356:157.
  • Kinlock TW et al. A randomized clinical trial of methadone maintenance for  prisoners: Results at twelve-months post-release. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2009;37(3):277.
  • Green TC et al. Postincarceration fatal overdose after implementing medications for addiction treatment in a Statewide correctional system. JAMA Psychiatry. 2018;75(4):405.
  • Osher F et al. Adults with Behavioral Health Needs Under Correctional Supervision: A Shared Framework for Reducing Recidivism and Promoting Recovery, 2012.
  • Council of State Governments Justice Center.
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Guidelines for Successful Transition of People with Mental or Substance Use Disorders from Jail and Prison: Implementation Guide. (SMA)-16-4998. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2017.
  • Jail-based Medication-Assisted Treatment, Promising Practices, Guidelines, and Resources for the Field, October 2018, National Commission on Correctional Health Care.
  • Cramer RJ. Suicide prevention in correctional settings:  current standards and recommendations for research, prevention, and training. J of Correctional Health Care. 2017;23(3):313.

Infectious Diseases 

  • Explore Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes
  • Iroh PA et al. The HIV care cascade before, during, and after incarceration: A systematic review and data synthesis. Am J Public Health. 2015;105:e5.
  • Administrative Management of HIV in Correctional Institutions. National Commission on Correctional Health Care Position Statement, October 2014.
  • Cunningham WE et al. Effectiveness of a peer navigation intervention to sustain viral suppression among HIV-positive men and transgender women released from jail. JAMA Internal Medicine. 2018;178(4):542.
  • Schmit K et al. High completion rate for 12 weekly doses of isoniazid with rifapentine as treatment for latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. J Public Health Management and Practice. 2019;25(2):E1.
  • Botulism outbreak from drinking poison-made illicit alcohol in a Federal correctional facility – Mississippi, June 2016.  MMWR. 2017;65(52):1491.


  • Murphey D et al. Parents behind bars: What happens to their children? Child Trends, October 2015.
  • Heard-Garris N, et al. Health care use and health behaviors among young adults with a history of parental incarceration. Pediatrics. 2018;142(3):e20174314.
  • Women’s health care in correctional settings, NCCHC Position Statement, October 2014.
  • Beck AJ. Sexual victimization in prisons and jails reported by inmates, 2011-2012. Supplemental tables:  Prevalence of sexual victimization among transgender adult inmates. Bureau of Justice Statistics, NCJ 241399, December 2014.
  • National Center for Transgender Equality, 2018. Policies to increase safety and respect for transgender prisoners.
  • Kendig N. et al. Developing correctional policy, practice, and clinical care considerations for incarcerated transgender patients through collaborative stakeholder engagement. J of Correctional Health Care. (Published on-line June 26, 2019).
  • Bacak V. et al. Incarceration as a health determinant for sexual orientation and gender minority persons.  Am J of Public Health. 2018;108(8):994.
  • William BA et al. Aging in correctional custody: Setting a policy agenda for older prisoner health care. American J of Public Health. 2012;102(8):1475.