Onboarding Steps and FAQs

GWUH Resident and Fellow Onboarding Steps

The onboarding process is more efficient when onboarding forms and vaccination records are emailed prior to your appointment. Please email these records to avoid delay on the day of your onboarding. The onboarding appointment can take up to an hour. Send an e-mail to employeehealthservices@gwu-hospital.com with completed Onboarding Forms and Immunization Records. Please e-mail as soon as possible. The following immunizations, titers, and Tuberculosis tests are required for employment. Should you be missing any of the following, we can complete them for you on the day of your Employee Health visit.

  • Proof of positive immunity for Hepatitis B
  • Proof of positive immunity for Measles
  • Proof of positive immunity for Mumps
  • Proof of positive immunity for Rubella
  • Proof of positive immunity or 2 documented vaccines for Varicella
  • Proof of completed COVID-19 vaccine series (2 doses for Moderna/Pfizer, 1 dose for JnJ)
  • Proof of Influenza for the 2021-2022 season (August 2021-Present)
  • Proof of Tetanus (TDAP) vaccine received in the last 10 years.
  • Proof of Negative QuantiFERON tuberculosis blood test completed within 6 months from the start date.

The onboarding process will consist of:

  • Review of immunizations and titers
  • N95 Fit Testing
  • Color bind test
  • Hand Hygiene education


What is the dress code for Orientation?
Business Attire is required; your photo will be taken for Hospital ID Badge.

Where do I park for the in-person orientation?

Please park at the GW Hospital Visitor Parking garage. The entrance is located on H Street between 23rd and 22nd Streets, beneath the Science and Engineering Hall. Take a ticket as you enter and the GME office will provide you a pass to attach to your ticket when you exit at the end of the day. When exiting the garage, use the 23rd Street elevators.

You will receive your parking assignment along with your University ID badge at orientation.

Can I take Metro to orientation?

Yes, you can take the blue, orange, or silver line to the Foggy Bottom/GWU Metro station.

What should I bring to Orientation?

  1. Bring a photo ID for initial access to Ross Hall
  2. Bring documents to prove your identity and eligibility to work in the U.S. (see the checklist that was emailed to you by HR for additional information on the documents that are required)
  3. If you are a J-1 visa holder, you must bring your original DS2019 and passport for I-9 verification and for verification of your arrival in the U.S., if required.

How do I obtain a Health Clearance?

  • Residents and Fellows must be cleared by Employee Health before you begin your clinical duties. Please follow the instructions you received in the email from Employee Health Services (EHS). If you did not receive an email with instructions from EHS, email employeehealthservices@gwu-hospital.com.
  • Questions? The phone number for Employee Health is 202-715-4275 or email at employeehealthservices@gwu-hospital.com.
  • Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30 am – 3:30 pm. The office is closed for lunch from 12:00-12:30 pm

Medical Licenses:
Am I required to have a medical license?

  • All residents are required to have a DC Medical Training License (MTL).
  • If you have completed a residency program in the U.S. and are entering fellowship, you are required to have a full DC medical license.
  • Your MTL or full DC license must be listed on the DC Board’s website as “active” for you to begin the training program and you must upload a copy of your license to MedHub.
  • If you are rotating to affiliate sites in Virginia, please go to the Virginia Board of Medicine’s website and follow the instructions to complete the online internship/residency/fellowship application.

How do I know if my licenses are “active”?
You may search on the DC Board of Medicine and the Virginia Board of Medicine websites.

University Employment Requirements:

Please read the New Resident Checklist that was emailed to you be HR. The checklist includes information and instructions for the following:

  • GWID number and GW email
    • Note, GME requires you to obtain and read your gwu email while you are a resident or fellow. There is an option to forward the gw email to your personal email account.
  • Employment Verification – I-9 Section 1 and Section 2
  • Payroll and Tax forms, including information for visa holders
  • GWeb information and tasks to complete
  • Benefits
  • Benefits Call Center information and contacts
    • There will be a benefits session with HR during the orientation and representatives from the plan providers available for questions. Please review the benefits information so you are prepared to ask appropriate questions at Orientation.


When will I receive my first paycheck?

  • You are paid bi-weekly. You must sign up for direct deposit no later than your first day of employment. Payroll checks are NOT issued; every employee is required to sign up for direct deposit. Instructions and included in the New Resident Checklist.
  • June attendees who are internal medicine, ob/gyn, neurology, or anesthesiology residents will receive their first pay on 7/7/2023 for 16 hours of GME Orientation, plus 40 hours for the week of June 19th. Other PGY 1 residents will be paid for 16 hours of GME orientation, plus any time spent in program orientations prior to July 1, 2023.
  • July attendees will receive their first pay on 7/21/2023 for 40 hours.

Questions for GME:

Who is the best person to contact in the GME Office if I have a question?
Here is a very brief summary of the responsibilities of each member of the GME staff
based on the most frequent questions we receive from new residents:

  • Dimond Preston – Verification of training, PSLF and other student loan processing, white coats, DEA numbers
  • Kate Turner – MedHub questions, Cerner accounts, DC and Virginia medical licenses
  • Stephanie Morgan – MedHub access, TPL with ECFMG for J-1 visa processing, including validation of arrival; contracts; EHS liaison
  • Al Zebrowski – payroll and reimbursements
  • Mary Mosby – New Resident Orientation, including Blackboard access and content; Educational activities of the GME Office, including Core Curriculum, Town Halls, Diversity events, GME retreats, and Chief Resident Orientation
  • Mary Tucker – employment questions, administrative questions related to accreditation, GME policies, resident extended leave, requests for elective rotations, affiliate sites

FAQs for GWU Medical School graduates:

I’m a former GWU medical student – do I need to attend new resident orientation?
Yes, you are required to attend all sessions of orientation.

May I keep my student email address?
No, all residents are GWU staff and are required to have an employee email account.
Your student email account becomes an alumni email and you will not receive employee emails on this account.

Will I be issued new GWID #?
No, your GWID # will remain the same.

Will I be issued a new GWorld ID badge?
Yes. You are now designated as staff.

Please feel free to reach out to any member of the GME staff if you have any questions.

Mary Tucker, Director, Graduate Medical Education - mtucker@gwu.edu
Mary Mosby, Assistant Director – mhmosby@gwu.edu
Stephanie Morgan, Program Manager – semorgan@gwu.edu
Dimond Preston, Program Coordinator, GME– dpreston29@gwu.edu
Katherine Turner, Program Coordinator, GME MedHub – turnerkate@gwu.edu
Al Zebrowski, Senior Accountant, GME – alzebrow@gwu.edu
Inga Ricks, Program Coordinator, Anesthesiology programs – ilr1@gwu.edu 

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