Mentored Experience To Expand Opportunities in Research
The METEOR Program is a competitive fellowship opportunity for students who have been admitted to the M.D. Program, and designed to broaden the group of MDs interested in an academic medical career.
The METEOR program offers students the opportunity to:
- Pursue a six-week prematriculation summer research internship with SMHS researchers. A stipend and limited housing allowance are provided.
- Work with a clinical and translational researcher who will serve as a mentor. Explore opportunities in the Faculty Researcher Database.
- Enroll in the Clinical and Translational Research Scholarly Concentration.
- Complete a research elective during the third year of medical school.
- Complete a second summer research internship after Year 1, with a stipend provided.
- Present and publish research projects.
Students are invited to apply after they have been accepted to GW SMHS. For more information on the program, please contact the Office of Admissions at medadmit@gwu.edu.