Research Study: Recovery of Consciousness

Interpreting Short Stories About Recovery of Consciousness: Following a Brain Injury

You are invited to participate in a survey for a research study. The study is called, "Understanding How Rehabilitation Practitioners Interpret Short Stories about Recovery of Consciousness following a Brain Injury".

The purpose of the study is to explore rehabilitation practitioner's perceptions of meaningful recovery in their patients who experienced a period of unconsciousness some time in their recovery following a brain injury.

If you are a rehabilitation practitioner (e.g. therapist, doctor, nurse, etc) that cares for adults who have had a brain injury resulting in a period of unconsciousness including coma, vegetative or minimally conscious state, we invite you to participate in the survey.

We have four anonymous surveys listed below. These surveys will ask you to compare short stories and determine which story represents more change. We request that you complete one of these four surveys. Once a survey has received 25 responses, it will not allow for more responses. If this occurs, please select the next survey on the list. The survey may take 30-45 minutes.

Survey Version 3

Survey Version 4

Additionally, if you are interested in staying in touch with the lab and would be interested in participating in future studies please fill out the contact form.

Stay in touch, if you are a rehabilitation practitioner