Sustaining and facilitating the vitality of faculty throughout their careers is one of our top priorities. Completing an annual faculty review is a key part of each faculty member’s career development.
Aside from being a formal requirement, the annual review affords an important opportunity for a conversation between the faculty member and their department chair regarding their accomplishments, strengths, goals, and professional development needs.
To facilitate this process, each faculty member with a Regular, Research, and Visiting appointment complete an annual report using an on-line system named Lyterati. The annual report should include all activity for the period January 1 through December 31st. The deadlines for completing the annual report this year are February 13th and March 30th.
As you work to meet our deadlines, remember to use this process to clarify expectations and solicit constructive feedback from your department chair. If applicable, you should also take advantage of this review process to help you assess your progress toward promotion and/or tenure.
An annual report must be completed by all SMHS faculty who held a regular, research, or visiting faculty appointment prior to October 1 of the academic year. Regular appointments include faculty at the rank of instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor.
Instructions for current year:
» Lyterati Annual Report System
- Lyterati Username Login: NetID (text to the left of the @ in your GW email address)
- Password: Same as your email password
» Lyterati Quickstart Training Guide