The GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences has long recognized the multidisciplinary nature of medicine.
During their time at here, our students are repeatedly exposed to the critical overlap between public health, international medicine and health policy and how this intersection influences the practice of medicine.
At GW, it is one of our goals to prepare future healthcare providers for the realities they will face in practice, be it emerging infectious diseases, the changing nature of Medicare or the aging population, and to equip them with the tools they will need to respond most effectively to the rapidly changing environment of medical practice.
To provide these opportunities while taking advantage of GW's premier Washington, D.C., location and offering increased resources to students, the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS) has created the Office of Student Professional Enrichment (OSPE).
This office assists students in identifying and securing unrivaled opportunities for study and service in areas not covered in the traditional medical school core curriculum. These opportunities are often funded by SMHS alumni.
Here are a few examples of opportunities that our alumni funded for students:
- Peter Elliott, MS II, worked with an orthopedic surgeon at Mthatha Hospital in South Africa
- Jennie Hooper, MS II, traveled with the organization ProWorld to Mysore, India where she worked in women's health with a medical outreach clinic and in education traditional birth attendants with The Maternity Education Program
- Ramy Khalil, MS II, worked as an intern at the Syrian Center for Tobacco Studies examining adolescent tobacco use and determinants; examining waterpipe use, dependence, and risk; and testing and integrating smoking cessation interventions
- Menka Sanghvi, MS II, compared and contrasted methods of treatment of infectious disease in Ecuador through the Sustainable Ecuador program, and in Egypt with the GW affiliate hospital at the Alexandria University of Medicine
Please consider giving to the Office of Student Professional Enrichment fund.