Immunology Researchers

Keywords: Allergy, Immunology, Rheumatology, Infectious, Infection, Antibody, Antibodies, Inflammation, Inflammatory

Name Title Info Affiliation Keywords Email Research Interests
Sun-Young Ahn, PhD Assoc Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH pediatric nephrology, congenital kidney anomalies, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, urinary tract infection, electrolyte disorders and complement-mediated kidney diseases Email Functional and structural characterization of organic anion transporters in the kidney, and investigating the role of scaffolding proteins in kidney development.
Hana Akselrod, MD Asst Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS infectious disease, epidemiology, biostatistics, public health, HIV, travel medicine, opportunistic infections, Email HIV, opportunistic infections, travel medicine, and public health and studies the HIV-related processes in aging. 
Debra Benator, MD Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS Tuberculosis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, HIV Infections, Email HIV, Tuberculosis, Xpert MTB/RIF Rapid TB Diagnostics, Antiretroviral Adherence, and STIs.
John Bethea, PhD Prof Info Anatomy & Cell Biology:  SMHS Neurology, Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Neurological Diseases, Cognitive Rehabilitation, Email Spinal Cord Injury, Astrocytes, Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis, Neuroinflammation, Traumatic Brain Injury, Neuroimmunology, Acquired Brain Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Neurodegeneration, Neurobiology, Glioma, Neuron-Glia Interaction, Cognitive Rehabilitation, EAE, CNS Demyelinating Autoimmune Diseases, Neuron Culture, Molecular Neurobiology, Neurogenesis, Nervous System Autoimmune Diseases
Jeffrey Bethony, PhD Prof Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS Ancylostomatoidea, Biological Specimen Banks, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, Hookworm Infections, Ancylostomiasis, Vaccines, B-Lymphocytes, Biomarkers, T-Lymphocytes, Infectious Diseases Email Pre-clinical and clinical support of vaccines and translational research. Vaccine projects include immunology and serology assays and membership in the Hookworm Vaccine to Control Human Hookworm Infection in endemic countries (HOOKVAC) program. Translational medical research includes biobanking, epidemiology, cohort surveys, and biomarker development.
Catherine Bollard, MD, MBChB Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Cancer Immunology, Glioblastoma, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Cell- and Tissue-Based Therapy, Sickle Cell, Hematology, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, HIV Infections, T-Lymphocytes, Antigens, Nanoparticles, Cancer, Pediatrics Email Intravenous mesenchymal stromal cell therapy for inflammatory bowel disease; adoptive immunotherapy for glioblastoma, leukemia, and lymphoma; cellular therapy for sickle cell disease; therapies for HIV; and cell-based immune therapeutics in hematology.
Marie Borum, MD, EdD, MPH Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS women's health, acidpeptic disorders, physician decision-making, health disparities, health disparity, colon cancer, liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, Email Physician decision-making, women's health, health disparities, acidpeptic disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer and liver disease.
Alberto Bosque-Pardos, PhD, MBA Assoc Prof Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS HIV-1, HIV Infections, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy, Signal Transduction, STATs, HIV transcription, Email HIV infection and AIDS, HIV treatment, and HIV cure;  HIV eradication by using benzotriazin derivatives to target the latent HIV-1 reservoir, developing pathogen recognition receptor agonists to reactivate latent HIV-1, and investigating the mechanisms controlling the establishment of HIV-1 latency.
Lisa Bowleg, PhD Prof Info Psychology:  CCAS Transgender Persons, Sexual and Gender Minorities, African Americans, HIV Infections, Cancer control and health equity, Email Individual and social factors and Black men’s HIV risk, intersectionality, and effect of intersectionality on stress and resilience in Black, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.
Beda Brichacek, PhD Assoc Prof Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS HIV, Infectious diseases, innate immunity, cholesterol transport, exosomes, cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy, Cancer , Infectious Diseases Email Role of innate immunity on HIV-1 transmission.
Paul Brindley, PhD Prof Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS tropical medicine, helminthology, infection-related cancer, molecular genetics, gene drive , Cancer , Infectious Diseases Email Helminthic diseases and infection related cancers using functional genomics, cohort and laboratory studies.
Michael Bukrinsky, MD, PhD Prof Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS Gene Products, vpr, Poliovirus, Neuroaid, Genes, vpr, HIV Infections, Cholesterol, Enterovirus C, Inflammation, Human Immunodeficiency Virus Proteins, Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy, Infectious Diseases , Neurology, brain Email HIV and cholesterol, including the effects of HIV protein Nef on cholesterol homeostasis and the mechanisms behind the effects of genes regulating cholesterol metabolism on HIV replication, latency and pathogenesis. Research also includes analysis of the effects of Nef on macrophage polarization and epigenetics.
Sarah Calabrese, PhD Asst Prof Info Psychology:  CCAS Homosexuality, Male, Sexual Behavior, Reproductive Health, Health Promotion, HIV Infections, Cancer control and health equity, Email Sexual stereotypes and discrimination in the context of health; sexual health promotion among Black men who have sex with men and other socially marginalized groups. Research identifies and addresses barriers to HIV prevention, including inequities in access to new and forthcoming biomedical prevention resources.
Amanda Castel, MD, MPH Prof Info Epidemiology & Biostatistics:  MISPH Children's Health, Epidemiology Global Health, HIV/AIDS, Infectious Disease, Health Outcome Surveillance, Population Health, Email HIV and related infectious diseases.
Aileen Chang, MD, MSPH Assoc Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS Zika, Dengue, Chikungunya, Arthritis, Guillain-Barre, Infectious Diseases Email Clinical and public health management of dengue fever, both in the U.S. and internationally.
Jinjun Cheng, MD, PhD Asst Prof Info Pathology:  CNH Hematopathology, Flow Cytometry, Pathologist Email Genetic and immune microenvironmental pathobiology of hematopoietic neoplasms; diagnostic services in hematopathology
Katherine Chiappinelli, PhD Assoc Prof Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS Cancer biology, interferon response, epigenetics, DNA methylation, immunotherapy, , Biochemistry , Infectious Diseases Email Epigenetic changes in cancer and how epigenetic drugs can reverse these, specifically focusing on noncoding regions of the genome and the tumor cell immune response.
Janet Conway, MD Asst Prof Info Othopedics:  Lifebridge bone and joint infection, limb lengthening  Email Malunion,nonunion, bone and joint infection, limb lengthening 
Keith Crandall, PhD Prof Info Epidemiology & Biostatistics:  MISPH Infectious Disease, HIV/AIDS, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, omics, microbiome studies, cancer microbiome, Email Computational biology, population genetics, and bioinformatics of a variety of organisms, from crustaceans to agents of infectious diseases.
Conrad Cruz, MD, PhD Assoc Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH T-Lymphocytes, Drugs, Investigational, Haplotypes, Cell Proliferation, Nanoparticles, Immunotherapy, Opportunistic Infections, Neoplasms, Cell- and Tissue-Based Therapy, Biomedical Enhancement Cancer, Pediatrics Email Cell enhancement, technologies for immunotherapy, and immune cell therapy for cancer and opportunistic infections.
Rodolfo Curiel, MD Assoc Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS Juvenile dermatomyositis, Inflammatory myopathies , Email Genetic risk and protective factors for myositis, outcome studies in juvenile and adult dermatomyositis and polymyositis, environmental exposures and disease flare in adult and juvenile dermatomyositis and polymyositis and clinical trials which focus on the response of myositis patients to different therapeutic agents.
Monica Dalal, MD Asst Prof Info Ophthalmology:  SMHS Uveitis and inflammatory conditions of the eye, Age-related macular degeneration, Diabetic retinopathy, Retinal vein occlusions, Central serous choroidopathy , Email Autoimmune retinopathy and degeneration, and inflammatory conditions of the eye.
Roberta DeBiasi, PhD Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Microbiology, Immunology and Tropical Medicine, severe and emerging viral infections affecting pregnant women, neonates, immunocompromised hosts, and normal children, Zika, Ebola Email Viral Infections, Central nervous system infection, Congenital infection
David Diemert, MD Prof Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS Schistosomiasis mansoni, Thrombospondins, Helminths, Vaccines, Ancylostomatoidea, Hookworm Infections, Email Vaccine trials in the U.S. and in Brazil and conducting studies of helminth epidemiology and immunology.
Ioannis Eleftherianos, PhD Assoc Prof Info Biological Sciences:  CCAS Parasites, Microbes, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Immune System, Symbiosis, Pathogenicity, Email Host-pathogen interactions using a model insect (Drosophila), a nematode parasite (Heterorhabditis), and its symbiotic insect-pathogenic bacterium (Photorhabdus); genes the bacteria use to infect and persist in the fly, what immune mechanisms are activated in the fly in response to infection, and how the nematode copes with the fly immune system.
W. Douglas Evans, PhD Prof Info Prevention & Community Health:  MISPH Reproductive Health, Tobacco, Asthma, Neoplasms, Exercise, Communications Media, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Obesity, HIV Infections, Diabetes Mellitus, Cancer control, health equity, Cancer, Patient-Centered Research Email Prevention and intervention programs using communication and marketing strategies; tobacco and cancer control; nutrition, physical activity, and obesity; diabetes; asthma; HIV/STDs; and reproductive health; digital media to deliver and evaluate health interventions.
Scott Evans, PhD Prof Info Biostatistics Center:  MISPH Biostatistics, Infectious Disease, statistics, diagnostics studies, benefit vs risk assessment, cancer control and health equity, Email Design, monitoring, analyses, and reporting of and education in clinical trials and diagnostic studies.
Rohan Fernandes, PhD Assoc Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS Cancer Engineering, Nanoimmunotherapy, Biomaterials, Nanotechnology, Cancer, Infectious Diseases Email Ttranslational micro and nanotechnologies;engineered nanoimmunotherapy for treating neuroblastoma.
Marcia Firmani, PhD, MSPH Assoc Prof Info Biomedical Laboratory Sciences:  SMHS health function, Bacterial pathogenesis, tuberculosis, infectious diseases, molecular biology, reactive oxygen species, HIV, medical education, Academic Integrity, Pathogen Reduction Technology, Email Bacterial pathogenesis with extensive biosafety-level 2, 3 and 4 laboratory experience; biothreat agent characterization; identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis virulence factors, comparing fitness among clinical isolates, and investigating Mycobacterium host-immune interactions; graduate student transfusion medicine research projects 
Leigh Frame, PhD, MHS Assoc Prof Info Clinical Research & Leadership:  SMHS health function, Nutrition and diet, Immunology, Inflammation, Microbiome, Metabolic Disease, Obesity, Weight Loss, Bariatric Surgery, Dietary Supplements, Public Health, Integrative Medicine, Cancer control, health equity, brain Email Nutrition and immunity through a translational research perspective; role of the microbiome and nutrition in promoting health, and the consequences of malnutrition in obesity; evaluating the role of vitamin D as an immune modulatory hormone particularly in skin, the primary site of vitamin D production and activation.
Adam Friedman, MD Prof Info Dermatology:  SMHS Dermatology, Psoriasis, Skin Neoplasms, Carcinoma, Squamous Cell, Alopecia, Eczema, Urticaria, Acne Vulgaris, Sarcoidosis, Wound Healing, Cancer engineering, Cancer , Dermatology Email Medical and pediatric dermatology, including acne, eczema, psoriasis, skin infections, hair loss, wound healing, urticaria, blistering diseases, lupus, sarcoidosis, and skin cancer.
Pedro Gazzinelli, PhD Asst Prof Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS immunology, biology of helminth infections and allergic diseases, parasitology, and global health. Email Biomarkers for allergens- and helminth antigens-specific human Th2 cells subsets; multiomic profiling and TCR repertoire diversity of effector Th2 cells;  pulmonary type-2 inflammation induced by helminth infection and allergic diseases; strategies of mass drug administration programs and diagnostics development for the control of Neglected Tropical Diseases in Africa
Mimi Ghosh, PhD Assoc Prof Info Epidemiology & Biostatistics:  MISPH Immunity, Mucosal, Contraception Behavior, Anti-Infective Agents, Gonadal Steroid Hormones, Urogenital System, HIV Infections, Email Sexual transmission of HIV in women and mucosal immune responses in the reproductive tract; endogenous antimicrobial molecules of the female reproductive tract and their regulation by sex hormones.
Monika Goyal, MD, MSCE Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Reproductive Health, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Emergency Service, Hospital, Health Disparities, Racial Disparities, health disparity, Emergency Medicine, Patient-Centered Research Email Adolescent sexual health, health disparities, and health services.
Alan Greenberg, MD, MPH Prof Info Epidemiology & Biostatistics:  MISPH Vulnerable Populations, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Communicable Diseases, Cancer control and health equity, Email Epidemiology, HIV/AIDS, infectious disease, and underserved populations.
Mamta Gupta, PhD Assoc Prof Info Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine:  SMHS Lymphoma, Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy, Biochemistry , Cancer Email Therapeutic targets for the treatment of lymphoma.
Benjamin Hanisch, PhD Assoc Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH blood and Marrow Transplantation, Cancer and Blood Disorders, Infectious Diseases Email blood and Marrow Transplantation, Cancer and Blood Disorders, Infectious Diseases
Patrick Hanley, PhD Assoc Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Program for Cell Enhancement and Technologies for Immunotherapy, Cell therapy, Stem cell transplant, Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy, Good manufacturing practices, Email Stem cell transplantation, including bone marrow transplant and cord blood transplant; virus-specific immune cells from naïve T cells, such as those present in cord blood or virus-seronegative donors.
John Hawdon, PhD Prof Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS hookworms, nematode development, insulin signaling, soil transmitted helminths, anthelmintic resistance, nematode transfection, biogas, cancer immunology & immunotherapy, Infectious Diseases Email Molecular biology of the hookworm infective process - the role of nematode insulin signaling in infection; Anthelmintic resistanc; genetic manipulation of nematodes - transgenesis and CRISPR/Cas9 editing in hookworms and other nematodes; Human hookworm challenge model - testing hookworm vaccines in a human challenge model. 5. Helminth therapy - using human hookworms to treat inflammatory and autoimmune diseases
Dalia Haydar, Pharm.D., Ph.D. Asst Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Neuro-Oncology, Tumor Immunology, CAR T cell therapy, pediatric oncology Email CAR T cell efficacy in pediatric brain tumors; cutting-edge technologies and innovative animal models that recapitulate human disease and barriers for adoptive immunotherapies.
Linda Herbert, PhD Assoc Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Food allergy, Diabetes, Behavioral interventions, Psychiatry Email Medical and psychosocial factors related to food allergy management and develops clinical interventions for youth with food allergies.
Amy Houghtelin (Hont), MD Asst Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Immunotherapy, High-risk malignancies, Email Immunotherapy and high-risk malignancies; cancer immunology & immunotherapy
Michael Hsieh, MD Prof Info Urology:  CNH Parasites, Urinary Tract, Bacteria, Inflammation, Bladder Cancer, Urology, Pediatrics Email Bladder inflammation in urinary tract infections and development of bladder cancer.
Wannaporn Ittiprasert Tanno, PhD AssocProf Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS neglected tropical diseases, CRISPR/Cas9, CRISPR/Cas12a, hookworm, Ancylostoma ceylanicum, blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni, biological carcinogenic fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini, cancer immunology & immunotherapy, Email neglected tropical diseases; gene editing by CRISPR/Cas9 and CRISPR/Cas12a; hook worm;  blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni 
David Jacobsohn, MD Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Graft vs Host Disease, Stem Cell Transplantation, Sickle Cell Anemia, bone marrow transplant, cancer immunology & immunotherapy, Email Impact on bone marrow and stem cell transplants.
Muralidharan Jagadeesan, MD Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS Clinical Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation, Post Transplant Infections, Clinical Immunosuppression, Chronic Graft loss , Email Kidney disease, education of patients with kidney disease, and transplant patients.
Jyoti Jaiswal, PhD Prof Info Genomics & Precision Medicine:  CNH Cell biology, Lysosome, Muscular dystrophy, Injury, Inflammation, Microscopy, Nanotechnology, Genomics , Pediatrics Email Cellular and molecular analysis of regulated secretion, and diseases with intracellular trafficking and secretion defects
Jeanne Jordan, PhD Prof Info Epidemiology & Biostatistics:  MISPH Homosexuality, Male, Public Health, Papanicolaou Test, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, HIV Infections, Infectious Disease Medicine, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Bacteremia, Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy, Email Infectious disease dynamics, pediatric AIDS, and public health. A recent projects is aimed at developing a molecular approach using PCR and pyrosequencing to more rapidly detect and identify the organism(s) responsible for bloodstream infection.
Donald Karcher, MD Prof Info Pathology:  SMHS Role of pathologists in value-based health care, accountable care organizations, medical workforce, clinical informatics, pathology informatics, hematopathology, lymphomas Email Pathophysiology and laboratory diagnosis of lymphomas and leukemias, effects of HIV infection on the hematopoietic system, bone marrow pathology, and the role of pathologists in coordinated patient care models.
Michael Keller, MD Assoc Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Immunotherapy, Adoptive, Bone Marrow, Transplantation, Virus Diseases, Antiviral Agents, Immunity, T-Lymphocytes, Cancer immunology & immunotherapy, Email Disorders of immunity and care of immunologically vulnerable patients; antiviral T-cell therapies in bone marrow transplantation, primary immunodeficiency disorders.
Imtiaz Khan, PhD Prof Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS Toxoplasmosis, Vaccines, T-Lymphocytes, Cancer immunology & immunotherapy, Cancer , Infectious Diseases Email Host immunity and pathogenesis of Encephalitozoan cuniculi; long-term immunity against toxoplasmosis, development and maintenance of CD8+ T cell immunity, and vaccine targets to prevent toxoplasmosis.
Pooja Khera, MD Asst Prof Info Dermatology:  SMHS Medical dermatology, Resident teaching, Inpatient dermatology, Community service, Email Treatments for chronic inflammatory dermatologic conditions, nonhealing scalp ulcers, scalp dermatomyositis, and residency medical education.
Shikha Khosla, MBBS, MHA Asst Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS Factors impacting glycemic control including fitness, insulin antibodies, Procalcitonin as a marker of infection, Metabolic implications of Sleep Apnea , Email Infectious and noninfectious etiologies and determining the clinical outcomes of diabetes patients.
Susan Knoblach, PhD Prof Info Genomics & Precision Medicine:  CNH Spinal Cord Trauma, Traumatic Brain Injury, inflammation, neurodegeneration, CNS repair, Genomics , Pediatrics Email Inflammatory/immune mechanisms of neurodegeneration and repair after CNS injury (spinal cord and brain trauma, neonatal brain injury) and in multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
Nirbhay Kumar, PhD Prof Info Global Health:  MISPH malaria, vaccinology, biochemistry, public health, immunology, cell biology, Email Immunobiology of malaria transmission; research areas include the development of malaria transmission blocking vaccine, the immunology of malaria, pre-clinical evaluation of vaccines and co-infections with other neglected tropical parasites.
Irene Kuo, PhD, MPH Assoc Prof Info Epidemiology & Biostatistics:  MISPH Epidemiology, HIV/AIDS, Infectious Disease, Prevention, racial disparities, drug use remission, drug use disorders, Email Epidemiology of HIV and viral hepatitis (HBV and HCV) in high risk populations, including injection and non-injection drug users and men who have sex with men in both domestic and international settings.
Christopher Lazarski, PhD Asst Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH cancer immunology & immunotherapy, immunology and infectious disease, T cell therapies targeting viral infections and tumors, Email Cancer immunology & immunotherapy, immunology and infectious disease, T cell therapies targeting viral infections and tumors,
David Leitenberg, MD, PhD Assoc Prof Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS Immunology, Signal Transduction, T lymphocyte activation, Clinical Flow Cytometry Diagnostics , Email CD4 regulation of T cell effector function and FAS-mediated cell death.
Susan LeLacheur, DrPH, MPH Prof Info Physician Assistant Studies:  SMHS health equity, medical education, Bias and stereotyping, Health disparities, HIV/AIDS, Infectious disease, Health Behaviors, health disparity, medical education, Medical Education , Physical Therapy & Physician Assistant Email Health disparities and reducing the effects of bias and stereotyping within clinical interactions; behavioral aspects of patient care including patient-provider interactions.
Nickie Lepcha, MD Asst Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS Geriatrics and Hospice/Palliative care, Emergency Management, Long term care, Infectious disease, Email Palliative and long term care and reducing catheter associated urinary tract infections.
Cindy Liu, MD, MPH, PhD Assoc Prof Info Environmental & Occupational Health:  MISPH Staphylococcus aureus, Anti-Infective Agents, Nose, Disease Susceptibility, Microbiota, Anti-Bacterial Agents, HIV Infections, Email Role of the microbiome in modifying host susceptibility to pathogens such as HIV and Staphylococcus aureus; reducing antibiotic-resistant infections through improving antimicrobial stewardship and the development of rapid diagnostics.
Naomi Luban, MD Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Fetal Hemoglobin, Graft vs Host Disease, Blood Transfusion, Genes, Modifier, Platelet Transfusion, Hematology-Oncology, Cancer, Cancer , Pediatrics Email Transfusion safety, infectious and non-infectious complications of transfusion, including RBC and HLA alloimmunization, graft versus host disease, and evidence based transfusion practices; molecular characterization of genes associated with alloimmunization and genetic modifiers of hemoglobin F expression.
Jose Lucar Lloveras, MD Assoc Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS antimicrobial stewardship, COVID-19, HIV, mycobacterial infections, Email Mycobacterial infections; Emerging Therapeutics in COVID-19; HIV Infection
Jie Luo, PhD Asst Prof Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS Myasthenia gravis, autoimmune illness, immunotherapy, Email Myasthenia gravis, how the intrinsic properties of autoantibody determine its pathogenicity, and how to specifically suppress the pathological autoimmune response in myasthenia gravis without suppressing desirable immune responses; transgenic rodent models, protein crystallography, and artificial intelligence-based structure prediction; vaccine-based and cell-based approaches to developing antigen-specific immunotherapy for this disease. 
Rebecca Lynch, PhD Assoc Prof Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS Antibodies, Neutralizing, HIV Infections, Vaccination, Zika, Cancer immunology & immunotherapy, Cancer , Infectious Diseases Email Antibody responses to virus infection and vaccination; characteristics of neutralizing antibodies as potential therapeutic agents against HIV infection as well as investigating ways to promote their production through vaccination; cross-neutralizing antibody responses to flaviviruses.
Sanjay Maggirwar, PhD, MBA Prof Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS HIV, HIV-1 dementia, aging, inflammatory response, neurocognitive impairment, cardiovascular impairment, cellular proteins, cancer immunology & immunotherapy, Infectious Diseases, brain Email Inflammatory secondary complications of HIV infection experienced by those living longer with the disease, compared to their aging, uninfected counterparts. 
Gulnara Mamyrova, MD, PhD Asst Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS pediatric rheumatology, juvenile myositis, pediatric autoimmune diseases, immunology, pediatric clinical pharmacology , Email Juvenile myositis, environmental factors and illness features associated with dermatomyositis, and clinical and laboratory features distinguishing polymyositis and muscular dystrophy.
Victoria Mann, PhD Asst Prof Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS parasitology, tropical medicine, cell biology, carcinogenesis, cancer immunology & immunotherapy, molecular genetics, helminthology, schistosomes, food-borne flukes , Email Parasitology and tropic medicine, including infections from liver flukes focusing on genome editing and treatments.
Paul Marvar, PhD Assoc Prof Info Pharmacology & Physiology:  SMHS Cardiovascular disease, hypertension, inflammation and stress and anxiety disorders, PTSD , Email Post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of exposure to physical or psychological trauma;  how stress and anxiety related disorders (i.e., PTSD) contribute to increased CVD risk. Integrative (i.e., neuroimmune) mechanisms related to the brain neurocircuitry involved in cardiovascular autonomic and fear/stress regulation. 
Timothy McCaffrey, PhD Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS Coronary Artery Disease, Cardiovascular, Genomics, Biomarkers, Appendicitis, Biofilms, T regulatory cells, Transcript Profiling, RNA sequencing, Laboratory Developed Tests, Genomics , Infectious Diseases Email Cardiovascular disease, genomics, and stem cells; diagnosis of coronary artery disease by changes in the RNA transcriptome in whole blood. RNA biomarker panel predictive for CVD; RNA biomarkers of appendicitis' activation of the circulating neutrophils.
Chase McCann, PhD Asst Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Cancer immunology & immunotherapy, Email Cancer immunology & immunotherapy,
David Michaels, PhD, MPH Prof Info Environmental & Occupational Health:  MISPH SARS-CoV-2, COVID, worker safety, disadvantaged communities, infectious disease, mental health, HIV, Email Worker safety and health and recently he has focused on improving the protection of workers exposed to SARS-CoV-2.
Mohamed Mohamed, MD, MS, MPH, FAAP Assoc Prof Info Global Health:  MISPH health outcomes, pediatrics, neonatal moralities, pregnancy outcomes, neonatal infections, global health, Email Neonatal moralities, morbidities, pregnancy outcomes, neonatal infections.
Christopher Mores, ScD Prof Info Global Health:  MISPH Zoonotic Disease, Vaccinology, Infectious Disease, Global Health, Immunology, Zika Email Countermeasures to emerging disease threats.
Magali Moretto, PhD Asst Prof Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS Immunology, mucosal immunology, CD8 T cells, E. cuniculi, gut mucosal immune response, CD8+ T cells, immunotherapeuthic strategies, gut pathogens, cancer immunology & immunotherapy, Infectious Diseases Email Gut mucosal immune response to infectious pathogen Encephalitooon cuniculi. 
Emiliano Mugnaini, MD, PhD Asst Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS hematologist, T cell receptor Email T cell receptor repertoires in T cell subsets during human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.
Jeanne Murphy, PhD, CNM, FACNM Asst Prof Info Health Policy & Management:  SON policy, healthcare delivery, cancer, HIV, community health, Email Molecular analysis of human breast milk for breast cancer prevention, lactation and cervical HPV infection in a longitudinal cohort study, cervical cancer screening in women with immuno-suppression, and midwifery and care of women with opioid use disorder.
Matthew Ng, MD Asst Prof Info Surgery:  SMHS Colon Cancer, Rectal Cancer, Anal Cancer, Diverticulitis, Hemorrhoids, Anal Fistula and Fissure, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Transanal minimally invasive surgery Email Minimally invasive surgical techniques  for malignant and benign diseases including inflammatory bowel disease; transanal minimally invasive surgery for rectal pathologies; anal dysplasia, hemorrhoids, fistula and fissure.
Bao-Ngoc Nguyen, MD Assoc Prof Info Surgery:  SMHS Aortic aneurysm, diabetic wound healing, ischemic wound healing, therapeutic angiogenesis, cardiovascular diseases, immunology, spinal cord ischemia, Email Cardiovascular diseases, heart and lung transplant immunology, ischemia, and angiogenesis and vasculogenesis in the context of wound healing in diabetic patients.
Ehsan Nobakht Haghighi, MD Assoc Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS Kidney Ultrasonography, Infection associated kidney diseases, Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, Psychosocial status of dialysis patients , Email Immune complex associated kidney diseases as well as Kidney Ultrasonography. 
Kavita Parikh, MD Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Asthma, Community Health Workers, Patient Readmission, Patient Discharge, Pneumonia, Community-Acquired Infections, Email Pediatric asthma, racial and ethnic differences in pediatric readmission, and care of community acquired pneumonia.
Paola Pergami, MD Assoc Prof Info Neurology:  CNH pediatric neurology, pediatric stroke, neuroimaging, brain plasticity, seizures, Email Seizures in pediatric stroke (SIPS), the role of inflammation in pediatric stroke (VIPS), and addressing safety and efficacy of mechanical clot removal in children with stroke.
Dinesh Pillai, MD Assoc Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH cycle regulators, circadian oscillator genes, respiratory epithelial regeneration, asthma, pulmonary diseases, lung inflammation, airway epithelium genomics, Email Genetic modifiers in airway inflammation and asthma and his clinical interests are in asthma, complicated pneumonia and interstitial lung disease.
Douglas Postels, MD Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Neurology, Infectious Disease, Malaria, Email Neural infectious diseases. He focuses on the neurological effects of malaria in African children.
Diego Preciado, MD, PhD Prof Info Surgery:  CNH Otitis Media with Effusion, Inflammation, Email How unregulated inflammation may be a central feature of multiple cancerous and non-cancerous diseases; pathological agents, mostly inflammatory, in chronic ear infections; human otitis media; middle ear effusion.
Lance Price, PhD Prof Info Environmental & Occupational Health:  MISPH Anti-Bacterial Agents, Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Drug Resistance, Microbial, Urinary Tract Infections, Microbiota, Email Livestock-associated MRSA, foodborne urinary tract infections, the role of the human microbiome in health and disease, and the interface between science and policy to address the growing crisis of antibiotic resistance; molecular approaches to trace the origins of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and develop strategies to block their transmission.
Cara Pugliese, PhD Prof Info Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences:  CNH Anti-Bacterial Agents, Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Executive Function, Drug Resistance, Urinary Tract Infections, Microbiota, Psychiatry Email Assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their families; developing classroom strategies to help adolescents with ASD learn cognitive and behavioral flexibility, planning and organization skills.
Dominic Raj, MD Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS Renal Insufficiency, Chronic, Kidney, Blood Pressure Determination, Cardiovascular Diseases, Inflammation, Email Cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease, optimal blood pressure target for protection of kidney disease and cardiovascular disease, inflammation in chronic kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease, and mechanism of muscle wasting in renal disease; modulating gut microbiome using designer pre-biotics and pro-biotics;   genetic basis for progression of renal and cardiovascular diseases. 
Natella Rakhmanina, MD, AAHIVS, PhD Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Pediatric and adolescent HIV, Clinical pharmacology, antiretroviral therapy, individualized treatment of HIV, epidemiology, Email Pediatric HIV; epidemiology and treatment of HIV infection in children and adolescents and on the pharmacogenetics of antiretroviral therapy in pediatrics.
Deepa Rastogi, PhD Adj Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Childhood asthma, Obesity Email immune mechanisms that underlie urban minority childhood asthma, with a current focus on obesity-related asthma; role of epigenetics in establishing the non-atopic immune patterns among obese children with asthma,  the mechanisms by which metabolic abnormalities are associated with the non-atopic immune response and the mechanisms that link systemic non-atopic immune responses with airway disease.
Juan Reyes, MD Assoc Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS Medical Education, Patient Handoffs/Sign-out, Venous Thromboembolism, HIV , Email Handoff skills training during medicine clerkship and management of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndromes. 
Afsoon Roberts, MD Assoc Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS HIV treatment, opportunistic infections, female genital tract immunity, fever in the immunocompromised host, sexually transmitted disease, HIV and aging , Email HIV infection and HIV-related opportunistic infections. 
Carlos Rodriguez-Diaz, PhD Assoc Prof Info Prevention & Community Health:  MISPH health disparity, HIV care, sexual health promotion, racial disparities during COVID-19, incarcerated populations, sexual and gender minority groups, cancer control and health equity, health disparities, Email Community-based participatory research focused on infectious diseases, particularly HIV care and prevention, as well as sexual health promotion and health equity through actions on the social determinants of health.
Blachy Dávila Saldaña, MD Asst Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH blood and marrow transplant, immunodeficiency, pediatrics, hematology, cancer immunology & immunotherapy, Email Transplant approaches for HLH and immunodeficiency;   long-term follow-up after blood marrow transplant
Carlos Sanchez, MD Asst Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH cancer, immunology, brain tumors, pediatrics, Email Cellular engineering of CAR NK cells for brain tumor immunotherapy
Anthony Sandler, MD Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH tumor immunology, tumor vaccine therapy, surgical practice, childhood solid tumors, surgical polymer sealant, cancer immunology & immunotherapy, Email Tumor immunology and tumor vaccine therapy, as well as the application of novel devices and technologies in surgical practice.
Victoria Shanmugam, MD Assoc Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS Rheumatology, Wound Healing, Vasculitis, Scleroderma, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Lupus, Email Autoimmune diseases and the interplay between the host immune system and the microbiome in diseases.
Hemant Sharma, MD Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH food allergies, immunology, pediatrics, clinician wellness, mental health, anaphylaxis Email Food allergies and clinician wellness.
William Sheehan, MD Assoc Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Clinical immunology, Allergens, Pediatrics, Peanut allergies, Email Clinical immunology and peanut allergies in children
Dipa Sheth, MD Asst Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS Urticaria, Food allergy, Eczema, Asthma , Email Urticaria, Food allergy, Eczema, Asthma ,
Sheetal Sheth, MD Asst Prof Info Obstetrics & Gynecology:  SMHS Surgical Wound Infection, Professional Burnout, OB-GYN , Surgery Email Surgical site infections and identification of physician mental health and burn out.
Brett Shook, PhD Asst Prof Info Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine:  SMHS skin resident adipocytes, molecular pathways, tissue repair, immune cells, tissue inflammation, regeneration, cancer, Biochemistry, Dermatology Email Communication between skin resident adipocytes and immune cells during tissue inflammation, regeneration and cancer.
Nicholas Shworak, MD, PhD Prof Info Pharmacology & Physiology:  SMHS Glycobiology, Atherosclerosis, Inflammation, Sepsis, Coronary artery disease, Medical Education , Pharmacology & Physiology Email Hydrocarbon receptor signaling affects on obesity mediation, life span, cardiac gene expression, and growth, and also studies heparan sulfates in the lung. 
Marc Siegel, MD Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS Hepatitis C infection, HIV Infection, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for Prevention of HIV Email Pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention, chronic hepatitis C, and HIV.
Jonathan Silverberg, MD, PhD, MPH Prof Info Dermatology:  SMHS dermato-epidemiology, eczema, contact dermatitis, inflammatory skin disease, biomarkers, clinical trial design, Email Drug development, clinical trial design, biomarkers, dermato-epidemiology, health services research, patient-reported outcomes, comorbidities and burden of itch and inflammatory skin disease and evidence-based dermatology.
Emily Smith, PhD Asst Prof Info Global Health:  MISPH epidemiology, infectious disease, maternal health, nutrition, health interventions Email Epidemiological data from across the life course to improve maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health in low- and middle-income countries.
Natalia Soriano-Sarabia, PhD Asst Prof Info Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine:   SMHS HIV, immunotherapy, latency reversing agents, Email Reservoirs of persistent HIV infection, immunotherapy using gamma/delta T cells, and discovery of novel latency reversing agents for HIV cure.
Elizabeth Sweeney, PhD Asst Prof Info Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine:  SMHS Cancer Research, Cellular therapy, Immunology and immunotherapy, Nanomedicine, Nanotechnology, Email Cancer Research, Cellular therapy, Immunology and immunotherapy, Nanomedicine, Nanotechnology
Punam Thakkar, MD Assoc Prof Info Surgery:  SMHS tumor, surgery, head and neck surgery, transoral robotic surgery, cancer immunology, Email Treatment of benign and malignant tumors of the head and neck, microvascular free tissue transfer, and transoral robotic surgery (TORS) with an emphasis on preserving functional outcomes. 
Kathleen Thoma, EdD Asst Prof Info Clinical Research & Leadership:  SMHS health equity, medical education, Clinical trials administration, Access to clinical trials, Health equity, Health literacy, HIV/infectious disease, Medical Education , Infectious Diseases Email Clinical research studies in populations with HIV/infectitious diseases; diversity and inclusion in clinical research, increasing patient centricity and patient engagement in clinical research, social determinants of health/health equity, health literacy, and health science distance education; qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methods with an emphasis on qualitative methods. 
Briony Varda, MD, PhD Asst Prof Info Urology:  CNH spina bifida, colorectal and pelvic floor malformations, open and robotic techniques for reconstructive surgery. Email Spina bifida and the neurogenic bladder, care of patients with genitourinary anomalies associated with colorectal and pelvic floor malformations, bladder exstrophy and epispadias, cloacal exstrophy, posterior urethral valves, vesicoureteral reflux and urinary tract infections, megaureter and congenital ureteropelvic junction obstruction.
Yan Wang, MD, DrPH Assoc Prof Info Prevention & Community Health:  MISPH Behavioral Health, Biostatistics, Chronic Disease, Epidemiology, Health Disparities, health disparity, Mental Health, Obesity, Prevention, Program Evaluation, Underserved Populations, Women's Health, Email Epidemiology and prevention intervention on risky health behaviors and health problems, including substance use, especially tobacco smoking, obesity, risky sexual behaviors, unintentional injuries, mental health disorders, and medical problems, e.g. lung cancer and HIV infection. Statistical methodology and causal inference
David Watkins, PhD Prof Info Pathology:  SMHS HIV, cellular immune responses, vaccines, immunology, cancer biology, genomics, stem cell research, diagnostic research, Email Studying cellular immune responses for rationally developing effective vaccines
Jennifer Webb, MD, MSCE Assoc Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Patient Compliance, Chelating Agents, Anemia, Sickle Cell, Stem Cell Transplantation, Cancer , Pediatrics Email Research include stem cell transplantation and sickle cell disease; cancer immunology & immunotherapy
William Weglicki, MD Prof Info Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine:  SMHS Neurogenic inflammation, hypomagnesemia, EGFR-TKI anticancer drugs, Biochemistry , Cancer Email Role of hypomagnesemia and magnesium deficiency in cardiovascular inflammation in animal models; antioxidant properties of cardiovascular drugs, effects of elevated cardiac iron levels in rodents, and iron accumulation and oxidative injury in endothelial cells.
Amy Weintrob, MD Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS Multidrug resistant organisms, HIV, Trauma associated infections , Email HIV infection, hepatitis C infection, and infection control/hospital epidemiology. 
Elizabeth Wells, PhD Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Brain Tumor, neuro-oncology, pediatrics, neuro-inflammatory disorders Email Brain Tumor, neuro-oncology, pediatrics, neuro-inflammatory disorders
Michael Whalen, MD Assoc Prof Info Urology:  SMHS Robotic Surgical Procedures, Prostatic Neoplasms, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Genomics, Urologic Neoplasms, Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy, Cancer , Kidney Research Email Robotic surgery techniques, optimization of pathologic reporting of urological cancers, and multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mp-MRI) and its role in prostate cancer management—active surveillance, post-treatment biochemical recurrence, focal ablation, and comparison to/integration with commercially-available serum-based and tissue-based genomic assays.
Kibileri Williams, MD Asst Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Pediatric surgery, thoracic surgery, minimally invasive techniques, inflammatory bowel disease, surgical oncology, Surgery Email Pediatric surgery
Birte Wistinghausen, MD Assoc Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH leukemia, lymphoma, Epstein-Barr virus, post-transplant lymphoproliferative syndrome, cellular therapy, cancer immunology & immunotherapy, Email non-Hodgkin lymphoma, specifically on the role of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Syndrome (PTLD) and cellular therapy in EBV-positive PTLD as well as the biology and treatment of B-lymphoblastic lymphoma.
Keith Wroblewski, MD Prof Info Ophthalmology:  SMHS Syphilis, Mantle-Cell Lymphoma, Spirituality, Uveitis, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Sarcoidosis, Cancer , Ophthalmology Email Ocular Inflammatory Diseases such as tuberculosis, Ocular Pathology including sarcoidosis, fibrous solitary tumors and mantle cell lymphomas, PET Scanning of undifferentiated uveitis disorders, Ocular Syphilis, and spirituality and adherence to medical therapy.
Jianhua Yang, PhD Assoc Prof Info Pediatrics:  CNH Pediatric Cancers, Neuroblastoma, Cancer immunology & immunotherapy, Email Pediatric Cancers; Neuroblastoma; 
Michael Yao, MD Assoc Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS Inflammatory bowel disease, common variable immunodeficiency, mucosal immunology , Gastroenterology , Infectious Diseases Email Inflammatory bowel disease, human gut microbiota profiles, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
Mamoun Younes, MD Prof Info Pathology:  SMHS Barrett's esophagus, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, tumors, adjuvant tamoxifen therapy, inflammatory bowel disease, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Email Biomarkers and translational research including p53 protein overexpression in Barrett’s esophagus and correlation with risk of malignant progression.
Huimin (Mindy) Yu, MD, PhD Assoc Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS inflammatory bowel disease, adipose, adipokine, colitis, organoid Email Pathological significance of the impaired gut-fat axis in IBD. Using mouse models, human organoids, and adipose stem cell cultures, molecular “crosstalk” between mesenteric fat and intestinal inflammation in IBD.
Eric Yvon, PhD Assoc Prof Info Medicine:  SMHS Cancer Immunology, Microbial Oncology, cell therapy, stem cell transplantation, tumor targeting, Email Stem Cell transplantation,  CAR gene-modified T-cell and NK-cell programs   to enhance T and NK cells survival, proliferation, and tumor targeting within the immunosuppressive tumor micro-environment.
Xiaoyan Zheng, PhD Assoc Prof Info Anatomy & Cell Biology:  SMHS Cancer, Child, Medulloblastoma, Indicators and Reagents, Genetic Background, Genotype, Antibodies, Signal Transduction, Brain Neoplasms, Cell Communication, Mutation, Anatomy & Pathology, Cancer, lung Email Target genes regulated by the Hh signal and molecular mechanisms in cell-cell interactions; trafficking of Hh receptors (II).