Physician Assistant Studies

SMHS physician assistant and physical therapy graduates are carrying on a new tradition with exceptional results: donating funds to provide white coats to incoming classes.
Members of the Class of 2018 traded in their short white coats for long ones in a formal ceremony as they crossed the threshold from student to professional.
Through her nonprofit, Jennifer Wall, PA-C, assistant professor of physician assistant studies, has made a significant impact on patient care in Malawi, where residents are at high risk for burn injuries.
In 2016, more than 42,249 deaths were attributed to opioid use, according to the CDC. In mid-February, physician assistant (PA) students at the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences heard from a panel of experts about the role they can play to combat the epidemic.
Maura Polanski, PA-C, MS, MHPE, was named chair and associate professor in the Department of Physician Assistant Studies at the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences.
The GW PA Program invited students, faculty, staff, preceptors, alumni, and friends to the PA Week reception to celebrate 50 years of the profession.
James Gehring, MD, assistant professor of medicine at the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences, was elected to the board of directors of the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants.
The members of the PA Class of 2019 received their short white coats at the Convocation and White Coat Ceremony on June 30.
Karen A. Wright, PhD, PA-C, was named assistant dean for student life and academic support of health sciences at the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Wright is an assistant professor and interim chair of the Department of Physician Assistant Studies and the PA program director.
Friends and family cheered and wiped away tears as members of the George Washington University (GW) Physician Assistant (P.A.) Class of 2017 donned long coats of dazzling white — a symbol of their transition from students to medical professionals.