Featured News

GW medical and health sciences students along with staff and faculty teamed up for Commitment to Community Day.
The 6th Annual Allan B. Weingold Obstetrics and Gynecology Lecture on Sept. 19 focused on stress prevention strategies.
SMHS celebrated incoming class, outstanding current physical therapy students, and resident alumni during the annual White Coat Ceremony and Convocation on Sept. 17.
Our community remembers Navdeep Kang, a fourth-year medical student, class of 2015. The SMHS community is invited to gather today from 4-6 p.m. in the Weingold Conference Room on the 7th floor of Ross Hall for support and to remember Nav.
Simulation allowed first-year medical students to navigate the health care system from the perspective of the underserved.
PT leaders from across the country convened at SMHS for “Preparing the Next Generation of Physical Therapists for Innovative Practice: Physical Therapy Leaders Networking to Transform Health Care,” July 25-26.
GW’s Fourth Annual SMHS Legacy Brunch, marked a union between their personal and professional families.
The M.D. Class of 2018 took their first step toward physician-hood at the White Coat and Honor Code Ceremony on August 9.
The revised M.D. program curriculum focuses on early clinical exposure, curriculum delivery, and enhanced use of technology.
This capital campaign seeks to raise $1 billion for the university by June 2018.