Traumatic Brain Injuries

Each year, close to 3 million Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)-related emergencies arrive at hospitals and ambulatory care centers across the country, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
Robert W. Turner II has a doctorate in sociology from the City University of New York, but his most significant degree was earned at the School of Hard Knocks — more familiarly known as professional football.
Could the brain provide biological clues following a traumatic injury that would improve the outcome for the patient?
In early 2018, a woman in her 30s, we’ll call her Sue although that’s not her real name, decided that she’d like to try one of those hip electric scooters she’d seen whizzing around town. Bad decision.
Gerard Gioia, PhD, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and of pediatrics, spoke to NBC4 about concussions in young athletes.
Marilyn Kraus, M.D., director of the GW MFA Concussion Clinic, and associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral science, and neurology, was interviewed by WJLA-ABC7 for a segment about concussions and the risks involved in continuing to play sports after a concussion.
Gerard A. Gioia, Ph.D., professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and pediatrics, was quoted in NVO News about research finding that concussions from top-of-the-head impacts are more dangerous. He was also featured quoted on this topic in Medical News Today.
Gerard Gioia, Ph.D., professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, was quoted in The Associated Press about his work on educating parents and coaches on the nature of a concussion injury. This article was picked up in the Houston Chronicle, the Montana Standard, and News Observer.
Eliot Sorel, M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, was interviewed by GW Today on Announcementss made at the White House Healthy Kids & Safe Sports Concussion Summit and the future of safety in youth sports.
Shireen Atabaki, M.D., associate professor of pediatrics, was interviewed on NPR's "Tell Me More" on concussions in young children and how they have been treated over the years.