News Archive

Christina Puchalski, M.D., director of the GW Institute for Spirituality and Health, was quoted by Spanish and Columbian media on the success of the Spanish health care program La Caixa, which focuses on spirituality and medicine in their care of the sick and dying.

Vittorio Gallo, Ph.D., professor of pediatrics, was featured in Medical Daily for his research finding a “potentially novel therapeutic target” to reduce the rate of deterioration and to promote growth of brain cells damaged by multiple sclerosis (MS).

Vittorio Gallo, Ph.D., director of the Center for Neuroscience Research at Children’s National Health System and professor of pediatrics, and other researchers have found a “potentially novel therapeutic target” to reduce the rate of deterioration and to promote growth of brain cells damaged by…

Medical Residents Katie Byrd, M.D., and Grant Barry, M.D., were featured on FOX 5 News for saving a man suffering from a heart attack outside the GW Hospital. Byrd and Barry saw the man as they were coming back from lunch. 

Leana Wen, M.D., instructor of emergency medicine and director of patient-centered care research, wrote a letter-to-the-editor in response to The New York Times article, "We Are Giving Ourselves Cancer."

The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences received a grant from the Arnold P. Gold Foundation to fund its program, “Training Faculty to be Mentors in Humanism: A Faculty Development Program to Nurture Students’ Inner Growth.”

Vinayak Jha, M.D., assistant professor of medicine, was a guest on Aljazeera America's America Tonight to discuss CVS's decision to stop selling tobacco in its stores. Jha also appeared on NBC4 and was quoted by Politico.

Babak Sarani, M.D., chief of trauma and associate professor of surgery, was quoted in the Washington Business Journal's BizBeat article on the GW Hospital being re-verified as a Level 1 Trauma Center.

A study by Michael Bukrinsky, M.D., Ph.D., professor of microbiology, immunology, and tropical medicine, shows similarities in the pathogenesis of prion disease — misfolded proteins that can lead to neurological diseases — and the HIV virus.

Michael Bukrinsky, M.D., Ph.D., professor of microbiology, immunology, and tropical medicine, was featured in Infection Control Today for his recently published research on similarities in the pathogenesis of prion disease — misfolded proteins that can lead to neurological diseases —…