News Archive

Lawrence "Bopper" Deyton, M.D. ’85, MSPH, senior associate dean for clinical public health, as well as several medical students, were interviewed for a story on NPR's Morning Edition about the M.D. Program's curriculum focused on teaching health policy, as well as basic science and medicine…

Ferid Murad, M.D, Ph.D., university professor of biochemistry and molecular medicine, and Ka Bian, M.D, Ph.D., M.B.A., associate research professor of biochemistry and molecular medicine, published a paper in The FASEB Journal finding a potential new "wonder drug" for illnesses such as…

Urgent Matters, Philips Blue Jay Consulting, and Schumacher Group are now accepting submissions for the 2016 Emergency Care Innovation of the Year Award, a competitive opportunity that fosters innovation in emergency departments nationwide.

GW physicians discuss travel strategies for avoiding illnesses, like the Zika virus and malaria, at the June Frontiers in Medicine lecture.

Baltimore City Health Commissioner Leana Wen, M.D., returned to the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences to serve as the Ninth Annual AΩA Visiting Professor May 12.

Adam Friedman, M.D., associate professor of Dermatology, provides commentary in Prevention magazine titled, "How Bad Is It To Apply Lip Balm With Your Fingers?"

The GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences celebrated new Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society members, May 13.

The George Washington University Hospital and the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences hosted the day-long event to help community members learn the risks for stroke.

Health Sciences graduates of the Class of 2016 received awards and their diplomas at the annual ceremony May 14.

WASHINGTON (May 25, 2016) – Shawneequa Callier, J.D., assistant professor of clinical research and leadership in the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences, is a co-author on a Perspective article featured in the May 26 edition of The New England Journal of Medicine titled, “Will Precision…