Events Archive


Virtual Lifestyle Modification Groups for students and trainees with chronic pain.


On September 22, 2023, the GW Office of Integrative Medicine and Health (OIMH) will hold a day-long continuing education (CE) conference to explore innovative treatments using fungi.


The GW Resiliency & Well-being Center (R&WC) will present a Women's Well-being Lecture Series talk on "Complete Nourishment for a Women’s Journey" with licensed nutritionist Julie Wendt.


The Teaching Essentials Series program is a series of one-hour workshops for scientists, clinicians, researchers, post-docs, and graduate students who want to learn more about key aspects of teaching & learning.


Every year the National Postdoc Association selects a week in September to appreciate the great work done by Postdocs in the US. The GWPA then selects a day during this week to hold the GW Postdoc Appreciation Day.


Virtual Lifestyle Modification Groups for students and trainees with chronic pain.


TAP trial at GW - Information Session about a randomized trial for patients who present in hemorrhagic shock due to trauma to receiving prothrombin complex concentrate or placebo on top of a standard MTP.


Virtual Lifestyle Modification Groups for students and trainees with chronic pain.


The GW OCR is hosting information sessions, open to responsible parties and anyone who participates in record ownership.


Virtual Lifestyle Modification Groups for students and trainees with chronic pain.