
Terry Kind, MD, MPH, assistant dean for clinical education at the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences, was named editor for the In the Moment section of Academic Pediatrics.
Lenore Jarvis, MD, MEd, assistant professor of pediatrics, was quoted in an article from Romper about her new study that suggests women should be tested for postpartum depression in the emergency department.
Kalyani Marathe, MD, MPH, assistant professor of dermatology and of pediatrics, spoke to Tech Times for an article about protecting babies and toddlers from the sun.
Daniel Lewin, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and of pediatrics, spoke to U.S. News & World Report for an article about promoting healthy sleep routines during the summer.
Nikki Posnack, PhD, assistant professor of pediatrics and of pharmacology and physiology, spoke to Chemical Watch for an article discussing her recent study that showed BPA can adversely affect adult heart function.
Kavita Parikh, MD, associate professor of pediatrics, spoke to AJMC for an article about a recent study that evaluated interventions to decrease pediatric hospital readmission for asthma patients.
Marius Linguraru, PhD, associate professor of radiology and of pediatrics, spoke to Rare Disease Report for an article discussing facial analysis technology.
Marcee White, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics, spoke to Public News Service for a segment about a recent study that found about 1,000 children die in drowning accidents each year.
Sarah Hornack, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and of pediatrics, was quoted by Healio in an article about recording children's health with movement tracking devices.
James Chamberlain, MD, professor of pediatrics and of emergency medicine, spoke to U.S. News & World Report about his study that found caucasian kids and adults are often overtreated more frequently than minority patients.