Mental Health

Nancy Sherman, Ph.D., discussed the importance of addressing the emotional wounds of combat during the 36th Annual Daniel S. Prager, M.D., Endowment Lecture.
Paul Marvar, MS, Ph.D., assistant professor of pharmacology and physiology, received a $750K grant from the American Heart Association to study a link between stress and anxiety-related mental health disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, and increased development of cardiovascular…
Researchers at the George Washington University (GW), led by Michael S. Irwig, M.D., found that men referred for tertiary care for borderline testosterone levels had much higher rates of depression and depressive symptoms than those of the general population.
The 6th Annual Allan B. Weingold Obstetrics and Gynecology Lecture on Sept. 19 focused on stress prevention strategies.
Daniel Lieberman, M.D., professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, was interviewed by ABC7 about Robin Williams' lifelong struggle with depression and substance abuse.
Jeffrey S. Akman, M.D., dean, vice president for health affairs and Walter A. Bloedorn Professor of Administrative Medicine, talked to GW Today about common issues for college students and how to seek help.
Thomas Joiner, M.D., delivered the 20th Anniversary Seymour Perlin, M.D. Lecture on Suicidology and Life-Threatening Illnesses, Oct. 31.
Julia Frank, M.D., professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, sat down with WUSA9 to discuss postpartum depression. This topic is on the mind of many Washingtonians in light of the recent car chase and subsequent shooting on Capitol Hill. 
Paramjit Joshi, M.D., professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, was interviewed by ABC News on the monumental benefits of training teachers and others to help identify signs of mental illness in students, leading to earlier diagnosis. 
In an opinion editorial published by McClatchy-Tribune News Service, Jeffrey S. Akman, M.D., dean of the SMHS, and co-author Lynn R. Goldman, M.D., dean of the School of Public Health and Health Services, write to support policies to address deficiencies in the U.S. mental health system and for…