GW Health Sciences Faculty Members Receive Bender Teaching Award

Congratulations to the George Washington (GW) University School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS) faculty members, Jennifer Halvaksz, assistant clinical professor of physical therapy and health care sciences, and Karen Schlumpf, M.P.H., lecturer of clinical research and leadership, for being selected as 2013 Bender Teaching Award recipients. Bender Teaching Award recipients are selected based upon demonstrated excellence in:

  • The use of pedagogically sound teaching practices; 
  • have set high academic standards and expectations for student achievement as evidenced by the assignment of challenging, relevant homework and rigorous examinations; 
  • use of teaching techniques, tools, or resources worthy of attention by other faculty; 
  • a high level of involvement and intellectual excitement by students as measured by student testimony and feedback;
  • strong commitment to student learning as evidenced by adapting instruction to student strengths, needs, and differences, and by regular availability to students outside of the classroom, or by organized online discussion (e.g., availability by personal email, phone, office hours);
  • use of assessment evidence to guide instructional improvement; and
  • engagement in the scholarship of teaching and learning, or other activities that help colleagues improve their own teaching.

Halvaksz and Schlumpf join the ranks of other SMHS faculty members who have been awarded the Bender Teaching Award, including Gaetano “Guy” Lotrecchiano, Ozgur Ekmekci, and Ellen Costello.

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