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There is something special about the third floor of 2175 K Street. It is the feeling that for those here, an office is more than a workplace, a colleague is more than a co-worker, and a job is more than its title. “It” may not be quite tangible, but one thing is clear.
In his computer science laboratory on The George Washington University campus, James Hahn, Ph.D., holds what he calls a magic wand — a slender, black piece of plastic about eight inches long.
Perry’s Nut House is a roadside attraction on the central coast of Maine known for its collection of bizarre items: seahorse water pistols, a large stuffed albatross, exotic nut seeds. It closed in 1997 but reopened a year later, not long before David Perry, Ph.D., no relation to the owners,…
It’s a problem of colossal proportions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently reported that more than two-thirds of U.S. adults are overweight or obese.
Video games, with their hypnotic flashes of color and light; their promise of hours of distraction; their offer of competition without need for coordination, strength, or stamina, might seem to be the furthest thing from a pathway to peak fitness.
Infectious disease researchers strive to halt the harmful effects of viruses — and for Richard Whitley, M.D. ’71, the same was true, for the first 25 years of his career. “I used to try and keep herpes simplex out of people — particularly out of the brain,” he says.
At first glance, Public Health student Maureen Collins and Medicine student Frederik Rebling couldn’t be more different.