News Archive

With a new year comes new leadership. Taking a lead role in 2013 are two George Washington University (GW) School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS) students: Josh D’Angelo, a third-year doctor of physical therapy (DPT) student and Pete Tooley, a second-year DPT student. Both students were…

Marc Siegel, M.D., assistant professor of medicine, was interviewed by WGN Radio in Chicago on this year's unusually early and severe flu outbreak. He was also interviewed on Voice of America about the outbreak.

Lisa Catapano, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, talks to The Washington Post about her experience treating post-adoption depression syndrome.

Rajeev Pandarinath, M.D., assistant professor of orthopaedic surgery, talked to NBC4 about ACL injuries and the Redskin's Quarterback Robert Griffin III's recovery process after surgery. He was also interviewed on ABC7 News and WNEW-FM.

Deans at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Georgetown University Medical Center and Howard University's College of Medicine write in The Washington Post's Capital Business that cuts to medical research could do long-term harm.

In an opinion editorial published by The Washington Post's Capital Business, Jeffrey S. Akman, M.D., dean of GW SMHS, and co-authors Howard J. Federoff, executive vice president and executive dean of the Georgetown University Medical Center, and Mark S. Johnson, dean of Howard University's…

Ryanne Mayersak, M.D., assistant professor of emergency medicine, talked to WTOP about this year's flu season and the benefits of getting a flu shot.

Research out of the George Washington University, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, reveals another piece of the puzzle in a genetic developmental disorder that causes behavioral diseases such as autism.

Jerrold Post, M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, talked with the Christian Science Monitor about the secrecy surrounding Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez's health.

Perry Richardson, M.D., associate professor of neurology, discusses migraines on “The Diane Rehm Show” on NPR.