News Archive

The 80th meeting of the Kane King Dodek Obstetrical Society, held May 17, was filled with excitement, yet also a tone of remembrance. 

School of Medicine and Health Sciences graduates had the “time of their lives” at the 2017 M.D. Diploma Ceremony on May 21, thanks to a couple of their more musically inclined classmates, as well as the support from their family, friends, teachers, and mentors.

More than 3,000 miles from Washington, D.C., lies the Toledo District of Belize, where in May 2017 three Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) students at SMHS spent six days learning about the country while also teaching its children about disability awareness.

Jennifer Bires, LICSW, OSW-C, program coordinator of patient support services at the GW Cancer Center, was named the 2017 AOSW Oncology Social Worker of the Year.

At the M.D. graduation on May 21, Raymond Lucas, M.D., associate dean for faculty affairs and professional development at the SMHS, announced 10 professors who have received Emeritus status.

Kavita Parikh, M.D., associate professor of pediatrics, was quoted in an AAP News article discussing her study of children injured in accidents involving firearms, and recommendations for gun safety.

Jesse Pines, M.D., director for the Center of Healthcare Innovation and Policy Research, and professor of emergency medicine, spoke to NPR for an article about the impact of the American Health Care Act on job-based insurance.

Jerrold Post, M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral science, spoke to The New Yorker for an article discussing whether or not psychiatrists should speak out against the president.

Kris Lehnhardt, M.D., assistant professor of emergency medicine, was interviewed by National Geographic for an article about the possibilities of reproduction in space.

Class of 2017 M.D. program students received awards for their achievements at the annual Medical Student Gala, held Friday, May 19.