News Archive

The main gym at Catholic University of America on Sept. 29 was a cacophony of laughter and chatter as health care professionals and students provided health services and education for young Special Olympics athletes.

Kevin Pelphrey, PhD, director of the Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Institute, Carbonell Family Professor in Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders, and professor of pharmacology and physiology and of pediatrics, spoke to Spectrum for an article discussing neurofeedback as a treatment…

Olanrewaju Falusi, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics, spoke to HuffPost for an article about the Children's Health Insurance Program.

Lee Beers, MD, associate professor of pediatrics, spoke to ABC News for an article about how Sesame Street can help teach children how to cope with stress and trauma.

Adam Friedman, MD, associate professor of dermatology, spoke to AccuWeather for an article discussing life-threatening skin infections from floodwaters following hurricanes. The story was also covered by FOX News.

Paul Kaplowitz, MD, professor of pediatrics, spoke to Medscape for an article about the risks of overtesting children for endocrine disorders.

Mary Alvord, PhD, adjunct associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, spoke to Reader's Digest about how the body responds to the common cold.

Raya Elfadel Kheirbek, MD, associate professor of medicine, published a Narrative Matters essay in Health Affairs outlining her experience overcoming prejudices to heal the doctor-patient relationship. 

Daniel Lewin, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and of pediatrics, spoke to Offspring for an article about how to care for children when you are not on the same sleep schedule.

Elizabeth Tanzi, MD, associate clinical professor of dermatology and of urology, spoke to Women's Health for an article suggesting products for treating acne on the back.