Laura Otto
Driven by his passion to promote psychiatric education and awareness of mental health issues, Jerry M. Wiener, M.D., held many titles during his medical career at the George Washington University (GW). Arguably, his most important role was that of professor, advisor, and mentor to countless medical…
For the third year in a row, Tracy and her team of cardiologists from the GW Heart & Vascular Institute traveled to the city of Comayagua, Honduras to bring specialized cardiac care to people in need.
Aiming to promote mentorship and its importance to the academic community, the Clinical and Translational Science Institute at Children’s National Medical Center (CTSI-CN), in collaboration with the George Washington University, hosted “Building the Next Generation of Academic Leaders: A Mentor…
In an effort to create compassionate health care systems driven by dignity-based, person-centered care, The George Washington University Institute for Spirituality and Health (GWish) hosted the first National Consensus Conference on Creating Compassionate Healthcare Systems, Nov. 28-30.
The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS) honored second- and third-year PT students who exemplify those essential skills, recognizing their achievements at the Physical Therapy Program 2012 Excellence Awards on Nov. 8.
Students, faculty, and alumni from SMHS, the School of Public Health and Health Services, and the School of Nursing saw more than 1,100 patients and treated everything from malnutrition and respiratory issues in children to adults with diabetes, arthritis, and hypertension, during a medical mission…
Change can be a good thing, especially at the George Washington University student-run Healthcare, Education, and Active Living Clinic (HEALing Clinic), where new plans are being put in place that promise more than just healing. The clinic is in the process of launching new initiatives, expanding…
Legacy families and adopt-a-doc families from 1975–96, gathered for the second annual Medical Legacy Brunch at the Fairmont Hotel in Washington, D.C. Aug. 18.