Family Health

Timing is everything, especially when deciding when to start a family. In the face of a pandemic, however, uncertainty surrounding health implications and financial security are compounded.
Pooja Lakshmin, MD, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, spoke to Harper's Bazaar for an article on how couples can split household labor while both are working from home.
Pooja Lakshmin, MD, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, spoke to The New York Times for an article on dealing with guilt from children as a parent.
Linda Fu, MD, associate professor of pediatrics, shared her five biggests for back-to-school for parents in an article for Northern Virginia Magazine. 
Danielle Dooley, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics, spoke to Romper for an article on pediatrician recommened discipline strategies for toddlers and children.
Alison Heru, M.D., discussed how illness, patients, and families interact during the 7th Annual Stokes Endowment Lecture on Marriage, Family Life, and Human Sexual Behavior.
Katherine Chretien, M.D., associate professor of medicine, wrote a column for USA Today on the importance of FDA oversight for home health tests, such as 23andMe, a company that sells home kits that allow individuals to get information about their genes and their risk for certain diseases…
Katherine Chretien, M.D., associate professor of medicine, was interviewed by Radio Rounds  the challenges and joys of being a "Mother in Medicine" and whether women in medicine can “do it all.”