GW Announces the Establishment of the Rodham Institute

GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences serves as academic home for initiative to educate healthcare providers how to reduce health disparities in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Jehan El-Bayoumi speaking

WASHINGTON (Nov. 4, 2013) — The George Washington University (GW) is pleased to announce the establishment of the Rodham Institute for Healthcare Provider Education to Eliminate Disparities. The Institute, which is housed within the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS), is named in honor of the late Mrs. Dorothy E. Rodham with the vision of promoting health equity in the District of Columbia through community-focused education and training of health care providers.  

“The establishment of the Rodham Institute will serve as a catalyst for GW and our community partners to unite and commit to a common goal of improving the health of all District residents, regardless of their neighborhood, their skin color, their gender, or their bank accounts,” said Jehan El-Bayoumi, M.D., director of the Rodham Institute and associate professor of medicine at GW SMHS.

The Rodham Institute will actively promote the training of healthcare providers so they are equipped to address health disparities and improve community health in Washington, D.C. by catalyzing:

  • Partnerships with the D.C. community, including community and neighborhood organizations, healthcare providers, and interested parties.
  • Education of healthcare providers to deliver culturally-appropriate, multi-disciplinary care using community health models.
  • Identification of best practices related to health disparities, health provider education and training, and community health.
  • Research and evaluation of new models of healthcare provider education and community-based care and their impact on health disparities, patient experience, and health care costs.
  • Dissemination of successes and lessons-learned for adoption by other urban academic healthcare institutions.

The Rodham Institute will leverage and accelerate many of GW’s long-standing relationships, both within GW and with external organizations. For example, the first cohort of medical residents participating in the Underserved Medicine and Public Health (UMPH) concentration began their studies in fall 2012. The UMPH program, established in partnership with the GW School of Public Health and Health Services’ Geiger Gibson program, helps residents gain clinical competency in underserved settings, apply population-health principles and public health skills in medical practice, and develop public health leadership potential. Studies for the second cohort of residents are currently underway.

Other key initiatives include the implementation of programming in partnership with the Association of Black Cardiologists, Inc.; the Calvin Coolidge High School Alumni Association; Girls Inc.; and The South East Tennis and Learning Center. Through these affiliations, the Rodham Institute is working to link high school students with health profession trainees, as well as GW SMHS faculty members, to provide mentorship related to careers in health professions. 

“GW SMHS has always had a deep commitment to the community. Through the Rodham Institute, important partnerships will be established that will lead to the elimination of health disparities in Washington, D.C. This initiative supports the mission of the school, as we work together to improve the health and well-being of our local, national and global communities,” said Jeffrey S. Akman, M.D., Bloedorn Professor of Administrative Medicine, vice president for health affairs, and dean of GW SMHS.

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