understanding the neural control of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, with a special interest in their physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms.
understanding the neural control of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, with a special interest in their physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms.
Environmental and occupational exposures influencing the risk of chronic diseases and cancer, including cancer of the lung, head and neck, skin, kidney, and brain. Exposures such as pesticides, heavy metals including arsenic, lead and cadmium, silica dust, asbestos, endotoxin, and metalworking fluids.
Critical care and neurocritical care, barriers to implementation of traumatic brain injury guidelines, the effect of hypothermia on brain injuries and clinical applications for neurological markers.
The interactions between HIV and cholesterol, including the effects of HIV protein Nef on cholesterol homeostasis and the mechanisms behind the effects of genes regulating cholesterol metabolism on HIV replication, latency and pathogenesis. HIV associated neurocognitive disease.
Prenatal sonographic and MRI evaluation of congenital anomalies, Transcranial Doppler evaluation of neonatal and pediatric cerebrovascular injury, and blunt abdominal trauma.
Regulation of the urea cycle and ammonia toxicity to the brain. Approaches include transcriptional and proteomic profiling to examine global changes in the liver and brain related to ammonia load, bioinformatics and functional genomics approaches to evaluate pathogenicity of non-coding sequence variants, and phenotypic screens for drugs that protect CNS from ammonia toxicity.
Pediatric Mitochondrial Neurodegenerative Diseases, Epigenetic Drug Development for Rare Mitochondrial Disorders, Neurotherapeutics, Mitochondrial Medicine , Neurology
Research studying mitochondrial homeostasis in differentiating neurons, translational research on rare and inherited mitochondrial diseases, and small molecule and epigenetic-based therapeutic approaches.
Developmental Origin of Brain States Supporting ConsciousnessThe Neonatal Rodent as a Model of Fetal Human Brain DevelopmentNeural Circuit Function in the Diseased Fetal, Infant and Juvenile Brain
How genetic embryonic neurodevelopmental programs pattern development of circuitry of the limbic system, neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorders.
at-risk and preterm infants, infant research, developmental outcomes, early brain and development trajectories, language interventions, literacy, cognitive development,
Infant health and developmental outcomes in high-risk infants with a focus on understanding the early brain and development trajectories in this population.
medical education, health function, Combat-related traumatic brain injury, Concussion, Advances in online pedagogy, Activity engagement, Cognition, Family wellbeing,
Development and testing of cognitive outcome assessments; dual task and multitask assessments to help inform return to duty with servicemembers who have sustained concussion; qualitative and mixed methods approaches for assessment; participating in large multi-center studies and analysis of concussion assessment data.
Longitudinal assessment of cognitive decline in older adults and the application of novel statistical approaches to model the complex interplay between risk and protective factors in Alzheimer’s disease-related brain changes and biomarkers for disease prognosis; optimize cognitive outcome measures for early diagnosis and patient selection in clinical studies of Alzheimer’s disease-modifying therapies.
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Gunshot Wounding Patterns, Long term outcomes of Mild Neuroaxial injury in the Geriatric Population, Insulin-like Growth Factor modulation in severely injured trauma patients,
Mass shootings and gun violence from the perspectives of incidence of potentially preventable death, variation in palliative care, and wounding patterns
Nutrition and immunitytranslational research perspective;the role of the microbiome and nutrition in promoting health, and the consequences of malnutrition in obesity;the role of vitamin D as an immune modulatory hormone particularly in skin, the primary site of vitamin D production and activation.
Pediatric mild TBI with a focus on the development of methods/tools for the evaluation of the executive functions and post-concussion neuropsychological functioning.
Management of vestibular dysfunction, in particular looking at optimizing exercise prescription for visual vertigo and VOR dysfunction; research to improvement measurement of function in real-world environments;research teams studying innovation in health sciences education.
Developing novel and improved bioanalytical methods using LC-MS platforms and applying the combination of analytical chemistry, bioinformatics, and cell biology approaches to study human diseases.
Mechanisms responsible for the lack of CAR T cell efficacy in pediatric brain tumors using cutting-edge technologies and innovative animal models that recapitulate human disease and barriers for adoptive immunotherapies.
Improve global health in low- and middle- income countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East; pioneered empirical work around health systems, ethics, and injury prevention in the developing world.
Metabolism and electrophysiology during hypoxia, ischemia, and heart failure; how chronic selective activation of hypothalamic oxytocin neurons improves cardiac function and favorably alters indices of cardiac ischemia and damage that occurs in heart failure.
The development and evaluation of new therapeutic agents for children with pediatric brain tumors through clinical trials;improvement of palliative and supportive care.
Cellular and molecular mechanisms within neural circuits that are associated with obesity-related diseases, including cardiovascular disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Mental health; populations affected by war-related trauma, torture, environmental disasters, and chronic stressor of poverty, discrimination, and lack of access to healthcare.
Breast cancer treatment and prevention, including how BRCA1 suppresses tumors in gender- and tissue-specific manners, how tumor inhibiting estrogen receptor ß can be mobilized, and how adipose stromal cells can promote breast cancer progression.
Innovation of novel biosensors and medical devices using micro and nanotechnology, specifically microfluidics, MEMS, nanophotonics, and flexible electronics;integration of Nanophotonics and Microfluidicsfor biomedical applications.
development of novel biosensors and medical devices using micro and nanotechnology, namely microfluidics, MEMS, nanophotonics and flexible electronics.
Handheld automated blood analyzer using microliter blood samples, a wearable ECG sensor on a finger ring, and soft robotics with embedded medical sensors and actuators for automated healthcare delivery.
In vivo Ca2+ imaging techniques, mouse genetics and optogenetics to characterize malfunction of the neural circuit in mouse models of autism spectrum disorders
Inflammatory secondary complications of HIV infection experienced by those living longer with the disease, compared to their aging, uninfected counterparts.
health function, Brain injury, Disorders of consciousness, Rehabilitation, Chronic disability, Outcome assessment (Health Care), Health policy, Shared decision-making, Health care quality, Quality performance measures,
Health outcome assessments, rehabilitation health services research, and health policy;improving outcome measurement in severe TBI, standardized assessment in rehabilitation, and developing measurement methodology;psychometric analysis of brain injury assessment data.
Post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of exposure to physical or psychological trauma; how stress and anxiety related disorders contribute to increased cardiovascular disease risk; integrative (i.e., neuroimmune) mechanisms related to the brain neurocircuitry involved in cardiovascular autonomic and fear/stress regulation.
Autonomic and respiratory control of cardiovascular function; targets in the autonomic nervous system control of cardiac function; obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and heart failure; cellular properties, neuronal network and in-vivo reflex control of pre-motor parasympathetic cardio-inhibitory vagal neurons located in the brainstem that generate parasympathetic activity to the heart.
Neural development and stem cells, such as understanding cellular and molecular control of nervous system glial specification; myelin repair;the cellular origins of neural tumors; novel therapeutic targets to control cell proliferation, death and migration of neural cells; neural and non-neural stem cell approaches to modulate spinal cord injury responses.
epilepsy, brain and spine tumors, hydrocephalus, craniosynostosis, spina bifida and tethered spinal cord. He specializes in the surgical care of children with epilepsy as well as pediatric functional and restorative neurosurgery.
epilepsy surgery, deep brain stimulation, functional neurological restoration and the development of innovative neuromodulation therapies for the treatment of chronic neurological disorders including epilepsy, movement disorders, neurobehavioral and cognitive disorders, chronic pain and spasticity in children.
Clinical trial development and translational research, clinical/translational neuro-oncology trials, clinical research in pediatric brain tumors and neurofibromatosis type 1.
Collaborative innovation between human intelligence and robotic technology, using machine learning, computer vision, haptics, and telepresence robotics; current research focuses on multi-modality in human-robot interaction and assistive robotics, and robot learning and humanized intelligence.
Sports-related injuries, Neck and Back Pain, Hip and Knee Pain, Shoulder Pain, Tendinopathy, Platelet Rich Plasma, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, Neuromodulation
Seizures in pediatric stroke (SIPS), the role of inflammation in pediatric stroke (VIPS), and addressing safety and efficacy of mechanical clot removal in children with stroke.
Development of neurons in the CNS and how these processes may be reexpressed in young neurons responding to injury or disease; developing central vestibular system model;potassium currents and excitability in developingneurons, developmental change in synaptic transmission, ionic membrane and synaptic conductances underlying vestibular compensation, glutamate immunoreactivity for NMDA and AMPA receptor subunits during vestibular development
Neurobiological effects of stressful and adverse experiences; mechanisms of stress-induced changes in synapses and circuits; synaptic regulation of neurons that produce monoamines-neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin that are important modulators of affective and reward-related behavior.
Modifiable risk factors for cognitive decline, cognitive impairment, dementia, and dementia-related brain changes assessed via neuroimaging in older adults; environmental pollutants or toxins contribute to accelerated cognitive deterioration in older adults, lifecourse vascular risk factors and cognitive health, the relative contribution of multiple brain pathologies to cognitive status, and race/ethnic disparities in the incidence and diagnosis of dementia.
Geriatric Medicine, Graduate Medical Education, Acute Geriatric Care, Undergraduate Medical Education, Geriatric Trauma and Surgical Care , Geriatrics , Medical Education, brain
Proteome of medulloblastoma, a pediatric brain tumor, in order to identify therapeutic targets;biomarkers to identify brain tumors and microsatellite markers in DNA that predict the risk of developing brain tumors.
Complex Spine Disorders such as Scoliosis and Kyphoscoliosis, Degenerative Spinal Pathology, Revision spine surgery and deformity correction, Spinal oncology, Minimally-invasive spine surgery and neuro-trauma, brain
Spinal column disorders and neuro-trauma; complex spine disorders such as scoliosis and kyphoscoliosis, degenerative spinal pathology, revision spine surgery and deformity correction, spinal oncology, minimally invasive spine surgery and neuro-trauma.
Histone deacteylases (HDACs), an enzyme that catalyze the removal of acetyl groups from the lysine residues of histones. These enzymes play a pivotal role in the regulation of gene transcription and are indispensable in numerous eukaryotic biological processes involving chromatin.
Research in evolutionary neuroscience to understand how brain differ amoung species, how this variation is correlated with behavior, how it is constrained by the rules of biological form, and how it is encoded in the genome.
Minimally invasive neurosurgery; treatment of aneurysms, dural arteriovenous fistulae, and brain tumors using the most innovative, least invasive approaches.
Epithelial tissue function and support of the corneal sensory nerves; how epithelial cells adhere to their extracellular matrix and sensory nerves via proteins called integrins and how those interactions change during wound healing.
Nutritional epidemiology;the role of diet and other lifestyle factors on chronic disease risk in minority populations, and on age-related functional declines in older individuals; cardiovascular health with age-related declines in physical and cognitive function, and the study of dietary trajectories over the adult life course and their associations with physical function, disability, and mortality.
Neural basis of language and other higher level cognitive functions; the role of language experience in shaping language use, the neural basis of sentence production and language processing, and the interaction between language and cognitive control.
Molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the development of fundamental neural circuits responsible for diverse brain functions and dysfunctions; how various neuronal subtypes in the cerebral cortex are assembled into functional cortical columns during development, how these neurons establish specific neuronal connections, and how these processes are disrupted in neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism.
Developmental mechanisms by which sensory information is brought together in the brain;topographic maps in which neighboring neurons monitor adjacent regions of space. In associative centers, these maps must be brought into register in order to integrate sensory information.
health equity, Sports Medicine, Concussion, Brain Injury, Healthcare Disparities, African American health, Medical Sociology, Alzheimer's and related diseases, Men's health, Social and behavioral determinants of health,
Ethnographic and mixed methods research. His research examines psychosocial and neurocognitive risk and protective factors, accelerated cognitive aging, and mild traumatic brain injury among former NCAA Division I and former NFL athletes.
Epigenetic progression model of pancreatic cancer, epigenetic regulation of hematopoietic stem cells, cross-talk of signaling pathways and the epigenetic machinery, and gene discovery.
Anesthetic and analgesic modulation of central cardio-respiratory autonomic regulation and the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which anesthetics produce their effects in the brainstem.
Shared decision making between rehabilitation practitioners, the client, and family care partners, traumatic brain injury rehabilitation, outcome measurement (special interest in using Rasch Analysis and Implementation Science), and health services research.
Central nervous system mechanisms that contribute to the development of cardiovascular (e.g., hypertension) and metabolic (e.g., obesity) disorders, with an emphasis on endoplasmic reticulum stress, alterations in reactive oxygen species, and transcription factor activation.
Application of ultrasound to enhance ocular drug delivery, focused ultrasound treatment of tumors, studies of safety of therapeutic ultrasound applications, and ultrasound application for functional modification of cells such as pancreatic beta cells.
Data mining, natural language processing, and consumer health informatics; leverage information for healthcare research and delivery. collaboration to develop interoperability standards for the broader clinical NLP community and have been developing a clinical NLP ecosystem.
Target genes regulated by the Hh signal; molecular mechanisms employed by the Hh signaling pathway in regulating cell-cell interactions; trafficking of Hh receptors (II).