Office of the Vice Provost for Research (OVPR)

Updated 12/10/24

Office of Animal Research (OAR) provides space, equipment, and care for laboratory animals used for research and teaching purposes. View Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.

Office of Human Research (OHR) supports the conduct of innovative and ethical research by providing guidance, education, and oversight for the protection of human subjects. View Institutional Review Board Submissions.

Office of Laboratory Safety (OLS) has specialized knowledge and expertise in biological, chemical, and radiological health and safety

Office of Research Integrity and Compliance (ORIC) provides guidance on general compliance considerations, university policies, and GW's statement of ethical principles.

Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) provides administrative support to investigators in their pursuit of research and other scholarly activities while ensuring compliance with federal, university, and private sponsor regulations, terms, and conditions. OSP assists researchers with submitting competitive proposals and managing successful projects.

Research Enhancement Unit (REU) supports investigators with identifying funding opportunities, and individual scientific editing and consulting services for proposal development.

myResearch. An enhanced electronic research administration (eRA) tool, will be GW’s integrated online system for proposal development and sponsored award management.

PI Dashboard. Personalized award tool to view financial and human resources information about awards at summarized and detailed levels.

New Faculty Resources. Helpful information about GW’s research enterprise, including resources that will save you time and boost the impact of your work.

Select University Research Policies

Transferring Research Materials