Faculty Research Prize Opportunities

Below is a list of available national Faculty Awards/Prizes for Research in a variety of fields, with approximate deadlines for nominations. Please check individual postings about each award to confirm deadline for any given year. Some awards are “limited submissions” that ask for one candidate per school—these are generally handled by OVPR with earlier nomination deadlines to allow for committee selection.

Biomedical Research (General)

Albany Medical Center Prize in Medicine and Biomedical Research
This prize is for a scientist whose work has advanced research and improved patient care.
Deadline: March

Alfred P. Sloan Jr. Prize - Research Fellowship
This two-year fellowship is awarded to a distinguished researcher with potential to advance their field.
Deadline: July

American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) Award: Award for Distinguished Research in the Biomedical Sciences
This award honors exceptional biomedical research related to health and disease.
Deadline: January

Balzan Prizes in Natural Sciences and Medicine
This award is for scientists who have distinguished themselves on an international level. (Preferably for young scientists). The theme rotates by year.
Deadline: March

BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award
This award recognizes research that is highly original and pushes the frontiers of the field.
Deadline: June

Buchanan Medal
The Royal Society awards this medal for contributions to the biomedical sciences.
Deadline: January

Copley Medal
The Royal Society awards achievements in biological sciences (even years).
Deadline: January

Debrecen Award for Molecular Medicine
This recognizes achievements in biomedicine and progress in understanding and treating disease.
Deadline: May

Dickson Prize in Medicine
This is awarded by the University of Pittsburgh to an American investigator in biomedical research.
Deadline: October

Federation of American Societies in Experimental Biology Excellence in Science Award
FASEB grants this award for outstanding research conducted by a woman in biomedical science.
Deadline: March

Gairdner Foundation International Award 
The awards are for basic biomedical and clinical research and recognize individuals who have made significant contributions in the biomedical sciences.
Deadline: October

Hamdan Award for Medical Research Excellence
This award is for innovative methods and research resulting in novel discoveries and inventions that made a large impact in their field.
Deadline February

Ilse & Helmut Wachter Award
This award is for scientific achievements in all fields of medicine.
Deadline: May

InBev-Baillet Latour Health Prize
The prize is awarded to a biomedical researcher in a category that changes yearly. The 2020 theme is metabolic disorders. The 2021 theme is infectious diseases. The 2022 theme is neurological diseases. The 2023 theme is cancer. The 2024 theme is cardiovascular diseases.
Deadline: September

Jessie Stevenson Kovalenko Medal
The National Academy of Sciences sponsors this award every two years for research in the medical sciences.
Deadline: October

Lasker Medical Research Awards (limited submission)
The Lasker Foundation gives three awards for contributions to medical science: the Basic Medical Research Award, the Clinical Medical Research Award, and the Special Achievement in Medical Science Award.
Deadline: February

National Medal of Science
This award is presented by the President of the U.S. for contributions to physical, biological, mathematical, or engineering sciences.
Deadline: April

Richard Lounsbery Award
This award is given by the by the National Academy of Sciences and the French Académie des Sciences to young French and American scientists who have made scientific achievements in biology and medicine.
Deadline: October

Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences
The foundation for the National Institutes of Health recognizes achievement by an early-career scientist in biomedical research.
Deadline: September

Mechthild Esser Nemmers Prize in Medical Science
This is awarded for outstanding achievements in biomedical science that have lasting impact.
Deadline: November

Pew Biomedical Fellows (limited submission)
This award is for young investigators (within first few years of Assistant Professor) whose research is relevant to the advancement of human health.
Deadline: June

Robert Koch Medal and Award
These two awards are offered annually, one for excellence in biomedical research (The Gold Koch Medallion) and one for a major discovery in biomedical science (Koch Prize).
Deadline: March

Switzer Prize
This prize honors a scientist who has advanced basic research in the biomedical sciences and has potential to inspire breakthroughs in medicine.
Deadline: February

Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences
This prize recognizes research that has created new fields of research or advanced novel concepts in the biomedical sciences.
Deadline: September

Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences
The Breakthrough Prizes honor recent achievements in the life sciences.
Deadline: April

Franklin Institute's Benjamin Franklin Medals
This medal recognize individuals whose work has significantly impacted the life sciences.
Deadline: December

Clinical Research and Medicine

American Medical Association Awards
These awards support biomedical researchers. Awards include: Excellence in Medicine Awards, Underrepresented in Medicine Awards, Scientific Achievement Award, Dr. William Beaumont Award in Medicine, Isaac Hays, MD and John Bell, MD Award for Leadership in Medical Ethics and Professionalism, Medical Executive Lifetime Achievement Award, Medical Executive Meritorious Achievement Award, and the Young at Heart Award.
Deadline: February

Cloëtta Prize
This award honors individuals who have distinguished themselves in certain fields of medical research.
Deadline: Fall

American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC): David E. Rogers Award
This is granted to a faculty member who has improved the health and health care of Americans.
Deadline: January

CIHR Barer-Flood Prize for Health Services and Policy Research
This is a career achievement award that recognized a researcher in the area of health services.
Deadline: May

Clinical Research Forum Top 10 Clinical Research Achievements Award
This is awarded to the ten most important clinical research accomplishments in the U.S. in the current year.
Deadline: November

Gustav O. Lienhard Award
The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies gives this award for achievements in improving healthcare on a national scope.
Deadline: May

Heineken Prize
This award is for scientists with achievements in medical research that have a clinical application.
Deadline: October

Judson Daland Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Clinical Investigation
The American Philosophical Society gives this prize for achievement in patient-oriented research.
Deadline: March

Marion Spencer Fay Award
The Drexel University College of Medicine Institute for Women's Health and Leadership gives this award to a woman physician or scientist who has made exceptional contributions to health care.
Deadline: January

Passano Foundation Award
This award is for a research physician who has advanced clinical science.

William B. Graham Prize for Health Services Research
The Baxter International Foundation and Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) give this prize for contributions to health services research, specifically research that impacts the healthcare system healthcare delivery.
Deadline: December

Anatomy / Biology / Biochemistry / Cancer / Cell and Molecular Biology / Developmental Biology /


American Association of Anatomists: Henry Gray Scientific Achievement Award
This award recognizes contributions to the anatomical sciences by an American Association of Anatomists member.
Deadline: September

American Association of Anatomists Young Investigator Awards: W.M. Cobb Award in Morphological Sciences
This award recognizes early-career investigators who have advanced the morphological sciences and show promise for future accomplishment.
Deadline: September

American Association of Anatomists Young Investigator Awards: H.W. Mossman Award in Developmental Biology
This award recognizes early-career investigators who have advanced the field of developmental biology and show promise for future accomplishment.
Deadline: September



National Medal of Science
This award is presented by the President of the U.S. for contributions to physical, biological, mathematical, or engineering sciences.
Deadline: April

Richard Lounsbery Award
This award is given by the by the National Academy of Sciences and the French Académie des Sciences to young French and American scientists who have made scientific achievements in biology and medicine.
Deadline: October


The Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize for Biology or Biochemistry
This prize is given by Columbia University for advances in biology or biochemistry.
Deadline: January


American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
Awards for outstanding research in cancer biology include: International Award for Cancer Research, CRI Lloyd J. Old Award in Cancer Immunology, Award for Research Excellence in Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention, Waun Ki Hong Award for Outstanding Achievement in Translational and Clinical Cancer Research, and Minorities in Cancer Research.
Deadline: August

Komen Foundation Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction
This award is for basic or clinical breast cancer research.

Léopold Griffuel Awards
The RC Foundation gives this award for basic, translational, or clinical research in oncology.
Deadline: July

Paul Marks Prize for Cancer Research 
This prize recognizes contributions to the understanding and treatment of cancer by young investigators (no more than 45 years old). It is awarded every other year (odd years).
Deadline: April

Szent-Györgyi Prize
The National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) gives this award for breakthroughs in the cancer field that have a direct impact on saving people’s lives.
Deadline: September

William B. Coley Award
This award is given for discoveries in basic immunology and cancer immunology.

Cell and Molecular Biology

American Association of Anatomists Young Investigator Awards: R.R. Bensley Award in Cell Biology
This award recognizes early-career investigators who have advanced the field of cell biology and show promise for future accomplishment.
Deadline: September

E.B. Wilson Medal
The American Society for Cell Biology presents this award for contributions to cell biology over the course of a career.
Deadline: May

Hans Neurath Award of the Protein Society
This award is for recent contributions in protein science.
Deadline: October

McEwen Award for Innovation, International Society for Stem Cell Research
The McEwen Centre for Regenerative Medicine recognizes research related to stem cells or regenerative medicine that advances understanding or treatment of human disease.
Deadline: June

National Academy of Sciences Award in Molecular Biology
Pfizer Inc. supports this award for recent discoveries by a young scientist (no older than 45) who is a United States citizen.
Deadline: October

Ross Prize in Molecular Medicine
The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research and Molecular Medicine sponsor this prize for scientists who have advanced the field of molecular medicine.
Deadline: October

Developmental Biology

Edwin G. Conklin Medal
The Society for Developmental Biology presents this award to a member of the society who has conducted important and sustained research in developmental biology.
Deadline: December

March of Dimes Prize in Developmental Biology
This award is for advances in research on birth defects.
Deadline: February


Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation Award in Genetics
This award is presented to a scientist who has significantly contributed to genetics research.
Deadline: May

ASHG Lifetime Achievement Award
This award is given by the American Society of Human Genetics for scientific contributions to human genetics.
Deadline: June

Medicine: Cardiology / Endocrinology / Kidney / Microbiology / Transfusion Medicine / Vaccines /


American Academy of Pediatrics Founders Award
This award recognizes contributions in the field of pediatric cardiology and cardiovascular surgery.

Disease (general)

Warren Alpert Foundation Prize
This is awarded to scientists who have made significant discoveries in the prevention, cure, or treatment of disease.
Deadline: June

Maxwell Finland Award for Scientific Achievement
The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases gives this award for research in infectious disease or public health.
Deadline: July

Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize
The prize is for achievements in medical research and medical services to combat disease in Africa.
Deadline: July

Circulatory Diseases

Louis and Artur Lucian Award
This award is for research in the field of circulatory diseases.
Deadline: March

Digestive Diseases

William Beaumont Prize in Gastroenterology
The American Gastroenterological Association gives this award for research that has improved care of patients with digestive diseases.
Deadline: September

Infectious Diseases

Chalmers Medal
The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene awards this prize to scientists under the age of 46 for work in tropical medicine and hygiene.
Deadline: July

Sir Patrick Manson Medal
The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine gives this award triennially for contributions to tropical medicine or hygiene. It will next be awarded in 2019.
Deadline: July


Endocrine Society Early Investigators Awards
This award is to recognize the accomplishments in the areas of general endocrinology.


This award is for a young investigator (under 42 years old) for support of investigation designed to expand the knowledge base of renal disease and its treatment.

The Kidney Cancer Association Young Investigator Award (YIA)
This award is for promising researchers in the areas of urology and clinical oncology who are planning to pursue an investigative career in kidney cancer.
Deadline: May


Selman A. Waksman Award in Microbiology
The Waksman Foundation for Microbiology gives this award for advances in microbiology.
Deadline: October

Transfusion Medicine/Immunohematology

Dale A. Smith Memorial Award
The American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) gives this award for outstanding research on the application of technology to the practice of transfusion medicine or cellular therapies.
Deadline: February

Karl Landsteiner Memorial Award
The American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) gives this award for research in transfusion medicine or cellular therapies.
Deadline: February

Sally Frank Memorial Award and Lectureship
The American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) gives this award to a medical technologist who has advanced research in immunohematology.
Deadline: February

Tibor Greenwalt Memorial Award and Lectureship
The American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) gives this award to an individual who made scientific or clinical contributions to hematology, transfusion medicine or cellular therapies.
Deadline: February


Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal Award
This medal is awarded to a public health researcher who has contributed to the field of vaccinology or a related field.

Anesthesiology / Mental Health / Neuroscience and Neurology / Ophthalmology and Vision / Psychiatry /


International Anesthesia Research Society Frontiers in Anesthesia Research Award
This award recognizes an investigator who showed innovation and creativity in research relevant to anesthesiology.
Deadline: Spring

Mental Health

Brain & Behavior Research Foundation- Klerman and Freedman Prizes
This award is presented to early-career investigators for outstanding contributions to mental health research.
Deadline: February

Brain & Behavior Research Foundation- Outstanding Achievement Prizes
These prizes are for outstanding research leadership and contributions to mental health research.
Deadline: May

Brain & Behavior Research Foundation- Padres Humanitarian Prize in Mental Health
These prizes are for recognizing a scientist, physician, or public citizen who has made a profound impact by improving lives of people with mental illness and by advancing understanding of mental illness.

National Academy of Medicine- The Rhoda and Bernard Sarnat International Prize in Mental Health
This award recognizes those who have made achievements in improving mental health.
Deadline: May

Rema Lapouse Award for Achievement in Epidemiology, Mental Health and Applied Public Health Statistics
The American Public Health Association gives this award for significant contributions understanding the epidemiology and control of mental disorders.


American Association of Anatomists Young Investigator Awards: C.J. Herrick Award in Neuroanatomy
This award recognizes early-career investigators who have advanced the field of comparative neuroanatomy and show promise for future accomplishment.
Deadline: September

The Brain Prize
This prize (formerly The Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Prize) honors scientists who have made an outstanding contribution to neuroscience.
Deadline: September

Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology
This prize recognizes young neurobiologists (younger than 35) for outstanding neurobiology research.
Deadline: June

Kavli Prize in Neuroscience
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, The Kavli Foundation (United States), and The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research sponsor this award for research of the brain and nervous system. (even years)
Deadline: December

National Academy of Sciences Award in the Neurosciences
This award is granted for research in neuroscience. (every three years)
Deadline: November

Peter and Patricia Gruber International Research Award in Neuroscience
This recognizes researchers studying the brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nervous system.
Deadline: May

Potamkin Prize for Research in Pick's, Alzheimer's, and Related Diseases
The American Academy of Neurology gives this prize for research on Pick's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and other dementias.
Deadline: October

Pradel Research Award
The National Academy of Sciences presents this award to a mid-career neuroscientist who has advanced our understanding of the nervous system.
Deadline: October

Robert Bing Prize
This award is given every two years to young scientists (age 45 and under) who have improved recognition, treatment, and cure of neurological disease.
Deadline: Spring

Society for Neuroscience: Bernice Grafstein Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Mentoring
These awards honor those who have contributed to advancement of women in neuroscience.
Deadline: June

Society for Neuroscience, Janett Rosenberg Trubatch Career Development Award
This award recognizes research creativity and originality prior to tenure.
Deadline: March

Society for Neuroscience: Julius Axelrod Prize
This award honors a scientist who has advanced neuropharmacology (or related areas) and has mentored young scientists.
Deadline: June

Society for Neuroscience: Mika Salpeter Lifetime Achievement Award
These awards honor those who have outstanding career achievements in neuroscience as well as who has promoted the professional advancement of women in neuroscience.
Deadline: June

Society for Neuroscience: Ralph W. Gerard Prize in Neuroscience
This award is given by the Swartz Foundation for recent contributions to theoretical or computational neuroscience.
Deadline: June

Society for Neuroscience: Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience
This award is for contributions to theoretical and computational neuroscience.
Deadline: June

Society for Neuroscience: The Gruber Foundation Neuroscience Prize
This is awarded for advances in understanding the nervous system.
Deadline: May

Society for Neuroscience, Young Investigator Award
This award is for young neuroscientists, who have received a PhD or MD within the past 10 years, who have demonstrated scholarly independence.
Deadline: March


Gonin Medal
This award is given to an ophthalmologist every four years by the International Council of Ophthalmology.

Bressler Prize in Vision Science
The Lighthouse Guild presents this prize to mid-career vision clinicians or scientists whose leadership, research, and service have advanced understanding of vision loss or eye disease.
Deadline: December

CNIB Chanchlani Global Vision Research Award
This award promotes research on the causes of blindness and vision loss, as well as cures, treatments, and preventions.
Deadline: November

International Society for Eye Research Awards and Prizes
The ISER gives out awards every two years (even-numbered years) for contributions to vision and eye research. Prizes include: The Endre A. Balazs Prize for experimental eye research, The Ernst H. Bárány Prize for ocular pharmacology and retinal disease, and The Ludwig von Sallmann Prize for vision research and ophthalmology.
Deadline: February


American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Junior Investigator Award
This award recognizes a junior faculty whose research is basic or clinical in nature but must be relevant to our understanding, treatment and prevention of child and adolescent mental health disorders.

American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology Research Award
This award supports research projects related to the mission of the ABPN, which is to develop and provide valid and reliable procedures for initial and continuing certification in psychiatry and neurology.
Deadline: August

American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Daniel H. Efron Research Award
This award recognizes an individual on the basis of outstanding basic research contributions to neuropsychopharmacology.
Deadline: June

American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Eva King Killam Research Award
This award recognizes an early career researcher on the basis of outstanding translational research contributions to neuropsychopharmacology. The nominee’s research should contribute to translating between basic science and human investigations.

American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Joel Elkes Research Award
This award recognizes a young scientist for outstanding clinical contribution to neuropsychopharmacology. Of particular interest in selecting the awardee are contributions that further our understanding of self-regulatory processes as they affect mental function and behavior in disease and well-being.
Deadline: June

American Psychiatric Association Kempf Fund Award
This award recognizes a senior researcher who has made a significant contribution to research on the causes and treatment of schizophrenia as both a researcher and a mentor.
Deadline: August

Emergency Medicine / Orthopaedic Surgery / Radiology / Surgery /

Emergency medicine

Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Foundation Excellence in Research Award
This award honors SAEM members who have contributed to the creation of knowledge focusing on emergency medicine.

Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Foundation Young Investigator Award
This award recognizes SAEM members in the early stages of their academic career who have demonstrated commitment and achievement in research.

Orthopaedic Surgery

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons OREF Clinical Research Award
This award recognizes individuals who have published a manuscript involving clinical research related directly to musculoskeletal disease or injury.

American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Excellence in Research Award
This award is given to the best paper submitted in any category to the Awards Committee with a primary author under the age of 40 at the time of the AOSSM Annual Meeting.


The Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research Distinguished Investigator Award
This award recognizes achievement in the field of academic imaging research.
Deadline: March

The Society of Abdominal Radiology Wylie J. Dodds Research Award
This award recognizes research in gastrointestinal radiology
Deadline: December

The Society of Abdominal Radiology Morton A. Bosniak Research Award
This award supports basic science, clinical radiology, health services research or contrast material.
Deadline: December

The Society of Abdominal Radiology Howard S. Stern Research Grant
This award facilitates visionary research in medical imaging by making funds available for pilot projects on ideas that are intellectually challenging but not yet well enough developed to be suitable for funding by mainstream granting agencies.
Deadline: December


American Surgical Association ASAF Fellowship Research Award
This award is to support young surgeons with careers in academic surgery and investigation with a primary role in research and teaching.
Deadline: June

Association for Academic Surgery Joel J. Roslyn Faculty Research Award
This award supports junior faculty in a surgical specialty.
Deadline: August

Society of University Surgeons Junior Faculty Research Award
This award recognizes junior surgical faculty members in the surgical disciplines to support their research in the basic, clinical/outcomes, or translational surgical sciences.
Deadline: May

Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Society EARLY CAREER FACULTY RESEARCH AWARD
This award is for basic/translational science, clinical, education, or health outcomes for early career faculty members in vascular surgery.
Deadline: November


Dermatology Foundation Career Development Awards
These awards are for excellence in 9 different categories related to dermatology.
Deadline: October

Dermatology Foundation - MRA Melanoma Detection or Prevention Mid-Career Investigator Award
This award supports innovations in melanoma diagnosis/detection/prevention.
Deadline: November

Dermatology Foundation Stiefel Scholar Award
This award supports outstanding mid-career investigators committed to understanding the molecular and cellular basis of skin cancer (melanoma or non-melanoma).
Deadline: September

Dermatology Foundation Sun Pharma Research Award
This award supports the research of outstanding mid-career investigators for basic, clinical or translational research related to inflammatory skin disorders.
Deadline: September


American Geriatrics Society Health in Aging Foundation New Investigator Award
This award recognizes individuals whose new and original research in geriatrics was presented at an AGS Annual Scientific Meeting.

American Geriatrics Society Humana Value-Based Care Award
This award recognizes individuals whose original research reflects relevant insights in value-based care in the geriatric population.

American Geriatrics Society Jeffrey H. Silverstein Memorial Award for Emerging Investigators in the Surgical and Related Medical Specialties
This award recognizes emerging investigators in the surgical and related medical specialties whose research is focused on geriatrics.

American Geriatrics Society Outstanding Junior Clinician Education Manuscript Award
This award is for a junior faculty member (Assistant Professor/Instructor) or an Associate Professor who has been first author on an important peer-reviewed clinical education article.

American Geriatrics Society Outstanding Junior Investigator of the Year Award
This award is for an outstanding junior investigator with new and relevant research in geriatrics who are committed to a career in aging research.

American Geriatrics Society Outstanding Junior Research Manuscript Award
This award is targeted to clinician-educator junior faculty (Assistant Professor/Instructor) who is first author on an outstanding peer-reviewed geriatrics research journal article.

American Geriatrics Society Outstanding Mid-Career Clinician Educator of the Year Award
This award is for an Associate Professor who has made significant contributions to the education and training of students/trainees in geriatrics and the progress of geriatrics education in health professions schools.

American Geriatrics Society Thomas and Catherine Yoshikawa Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievement for Clinical Investigation
This award recognizes outstanding achievement in clinical research addressing health problems for older adults.

Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy Excellence in Research award
This award recognizes a physical therapist who has been the author of a paper dealing with clinical geriatric physical therapy research.
Deadline: November

Physical Therapy

American Physical Therapy Association Margaret L. Moore Award for Outstanding New Academic Faculty Member
This award recognizes an outstanding faculty member with commitment to the physical therapy profession.
Deadline: December

Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy Excellence in Research award
This award recognizes a physical therapist who has been the author of a paper dealing with clinical geriatric physical therapy research
Deadline: November


PhRMA Foundation Pharmacology/Toxicology award
This award is for researchers with projects pharmacological in nature.
Deadline: September

Public Health

Alton Ochsner Award Relating Smoking and Health
This is presented to investigators for research related to tobacco consumption and health.
Deadline: March

Arrell Global Food Innovation Awards
Recognizes leader(s) who have worked to ensure food security.
Deadline: January

Chanchlani Global Health Research Award
The Chanchlani Family and McMaster University recognize a leading scholar in the field of Global Health.

Gairdner Global Health Award
This award recognizes scientists in global health research. 
Deadline: October

Halbert L. Dunn Award
The National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems (NAPHSIS) gives this award for contributions to the field of vital and health statistics.

John and Alice Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement
This prize is for medical discoveries that benefit worldwide human health. No submissions are being accepted for 2018.
Deadline: September

Maxwell Finland Award for Scientific Achievement
The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases gives this award for research in infectious disease or public health.
Deadline: July

Paul Janssen Award for Biomedical Research
This award is for a scientist who has improved public health.
Deadline: Spring

Prince Mahidol Award
This award is given for medical research that benefits all mankind, or contributions to public health.
Deadline: May

Sedgwick Memorial Medal for Distinguished Service in Public Health
The American Public Health Association gives this award for advancement of public health.
Deadline: March

Society for Neuroscience: Jacob P. Waletzky Award
This award is for a young scientist (within 15 years of PhD or MD degree) whose research has significantly advanced understanding of drug addiction.
Deadline: June

Pediatrics / OB-GYN Pediatrics


The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Distinguished Service Award
This award recognizes individuals who have made important contributions to the discipline of obstetrics and gynecology.


American Academy of Pediatrics Founders Award
This award recognizes contributions in the field of pediatric cardiology and cardiovascular surgery.

E. Mead Johnson Award
The Society for Pediatric Research presents this award for achievements in clinical and laboratory research in pediatrics.
Deadline: October

James Spence Medal
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health awards this medal for outstanding contributions to pediatrics.

John Howland Award
The American Pediatric Society (APS) gives this award for clinical care, scientific discovery, mentorship, and service in pediatrics.
Deadline: June

Medical Education

Medical education

American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) Award: Herbert W. Nickens Award
This is awarded for contributions to promoting justice in medical education and health care of Americans.
Deadline: April

American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) Award: Herbert W. Nickens Faculty Fellowship
This award recognizes a junior faculty member who is an assistant professor in a LCME-accredited U.S. medical school.
Deadline: April

Pierre Galletti Award
The American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering gives this award for improving public awareness of science, engineering, and education.
Deadline: Fall

Society for Neuroscience: Award for Education in Neuroscience
This award recognizes individuals who have contributed to neuroscience education and training.
Deadline: May

Society for Neuroscience: Science Educator Award
These awards honor those who have promoted neuroscience to students and the general public.
Deadline: May

Humanitarian / Science and Tech


Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Award for Humanitarian Contributions to the Health of Humankind
This is awarded by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases for contributions to human health and humanitarian service.
Deadline: July

Keio Medical Science Prize
The award is for research in the medical or life sciences in the hope it will contribute to world peace and prosperity.
Deadline: March

Prince Mahidol Award

Deadline: May

Shaw Prize
This prize is for breakthroughs in scientific research whose work has a positive impact on mankind.
Deadline: November

Science and Tech

Dale A. Smith Memorial Award
The American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) gives this award for outstanding research on the application of technology to the practice of transfusion medicine or cellular therapies.
Deadline: February

Harvey Prize/Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
Prizes are awarded in the areas of Science and Technology and Human Health.
Deadline: January

Intellectual Property Owners Association National Inventor of the Year Award
This is given for an invention that originated in the U.S. and is covered by a U.S. Patent.

National Medal of Technology
This medal is awarded for contributions to technological innovation in the U.S.
Deadline: April

Young Scientist / Early Career

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Junior Investigator Award
This award recognizes a junior faculty whose research is basic or clinical in nature but must be relevant to our understanding, treatment and prevention of child and adolescent mental health disorders

American Association of Anatomists Young Investigator Awards: C.J. Herrick Award in Neuroanatomy
This award recognizes early-career investigators who have advanced the field of comparative neuroanatomy and show promise for future accomplishment.
Deadline: September

American Association of Anatomists Young Investigator Awards: H.W. Mossman Award in Developmental Biology
This award recognizes early-career investigators who have advanced the field of developmental biology and show promise for future accomplishment.
Deadline: September

American Association of Anatomists Young Investigator Awards: R.R. Bensley Award in Cell Biology
This award recognizes early-career investigators who have advanced the field of cell biology and show promise for future accomplishment.
Deadline: September

American Association of Anatomists Young Investigator Awards: W.M. Cobb Award in Morphological Sciences
This award recognizes early-career investigators who have advanced the morphological sciences and show promise for future accomplishment.
Deadline: September

American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Eva King Killam Research Award
This award recognizes an early career researcher on the basis of outstanding translational research contributions to neuropsychopharmacology. The nominee’s research should contribute to translating between basic science and human investigations.

American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Joel Elkes Research Award
This award recognizes a young scientist for outstanding clinical contribution to neuropsychopharmacology. Of particular interest in selecting the awardee are contributions that further our understanding of self-regulatory processes as they affect mental function and behavior in disease and well-being.
Deadline: June

Association for Academic Surgery Joel J. Roslyn Faculty Research Award
This award supports junior faculty in a surgical specialty.
Deadline: August

American Geriatrics Society Outstanding Junior Clinician Education Manuscript Award
This award is for a junior faculty member (Assistant Professor/Instructor) or an Associate Professor who has been first author on an important peer-reviewed clinical education article.

American Geriatrics Society Outstanding Junior Research Manuscript Award
This award is targeted to clinician-educator junior faculty (Assistant Professor/Instructor) who is first author on an outstanding peer-reviewed geriatrics research journal article.

Brain & Behavior Research Foundation- Klerman and Freedman Prizes
This award is presented to early-career investigators for outstanding contributions to mental health research.
Deadline: February

Endocrine Society Early Investigators Awards
This award is to recognize the accomplishments in the areas of general endocrinology.

Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology
This prize recognizes young neurobiologists (younger than 35) for outstanding neurobiology research.
Deadline: June

Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences
The foundation for the National Institutes of Health recognizes achievement by an early-career scientist in biomedical research.
Deadline: September

National Academy of Sciences Award in Molecular Biology
Pfizer Inc. supports this award for recent discoveries by a young scientist (no older than 45) who is a United States citizen.
Deadline: October

This award is for a young investigator (under 42 years old) for support of investigation designed to expand the knowledge base of renal disease and its treatment.

Paul Marks Prize for Cancer Research 
This prize recognizes contributions to the understanding and treatment of cancer by young investigators (no more than 45 years old). It is awarded every other year (odd years).
Deadline: April

Pew Biomedical Scholars
This award is for young investigators (within first few years of Assistant Professor) whose research is relevant to the advancement of human health.
Deadline: June

Richard Lounsbery Award
This award is given by the by the National Academy of Sciences and the French Académie des Sciences to young French and American scientists who have made scientific achievements in biology and medicine.
Deadline: October

Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Foundation Young Investigator Award
This award recognizes SAEM members in the early stages of their academic career who have demonstrated commitment and achievement in research.

Society for Neuroscience: Jacob P. Waletzky Award
This award is for a young scientist (within 15 years of PhD or MD degree) whose research has significantly advanced understanding of drug addiction.
Deadline: June

Society for Neuroscience, Janett Rosenberg Trubatch Career Development Award
This award recognizes research creativity and originality prior to tenure.
Deadline: March

Society for Neuroscience, Young Investigator Award
This award is for young neuroscientists, who have received a PhD or MD within the past 10 years, who have demonstrated scholarly independence.
Deadline: March

Society of University Surgeons Junior Faculty Research Award
This award recognizes junior surgical faculty members in the surgical disciplines to support their research in the basic, clinical/outcomes, or translational surgical sciences.
Deadline: May

Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Society EARLY CAREER FACULTY RESEARCH AWARD
This award is for basic/translational science, clinical, education, or health outcomes for early career faculty members in vascular surgery.
Deadline: November

Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science
This is given by the Vilcek Foundation to young immigrant scientists (38 years old or younger) who have made outstanding achievements in their early career.
Deadline: March to June

Women in Research

Elizabeth Blackwell Award
This is granted to a woman physician who has made outstanding contributions to the cause of women in medicine.

Federation of American Societies in Experimental Biology Excellence in Science Award
FASEB grants this award for outstanding research conducted by a woman in biomedical science.
Deadline: March

L'oreal-UNESCO Award
This award is for leading female researchers.
Deadline: June

Marion Spencer Fay Award
The Drexel University College of Medicine Institute for Women's Health and Leadership gives this award to a woman physician or scientist who has made exceptional contributions to health care.
Deadline: January

Society for Neuroscience: Bernice Grafstein Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Mentoring
These awards honor those who have contributed to advancement of women in neuroscience.
Deadline: June

Society for Neuroscience: Mika Salpeter Lifetime Achievement Award
These awards honor those who have outstanding career achievements in neuroscience as well as who has promoted the professional advancement of women in neuroscience.
Deadline: June

Vanderbilt Prize in Biomedical Science
This is awarded to a woman who has advanced the biological sciences and who has mentored other women in science.
Deadline: September

Theme Changes Year to Year

Balzan Prizes in Natural Sciences and Medicine
This award is for scientists who have distinguished themselves on an international level. (Preferably for young scientists). The theme rotates by year.
Deadline: March

Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science
This award is presented to a researcher in a predetermined field of interest chosen each year by the Franklin Institute. The 2020 theme is Neural Networks for Machine Learning.
Deadline: May

King Faisal International Prize for Medicine
The theme of this award changes yearly. The 2020 theme is Haemoglobinopathies.
Deadline: May

InBev-Baillet Latour Health Prize
The prize is awarded to a biomedical researcher in a category that changes yearly. The 2020 theme is metabolic disorders The 2021 theme is infectious diseases. The 2022 theme is neurological diseases. The 2023 theme is cancer. The 2024 theme is cardiovascular diseases.
Deadline: September

J. Allyn Taylor International Prize
This prize is awarded by the Robarts Research Institute in a category that changes each year. The 2018 theme is Fundamental and Translational Research in Epilepsy.
Deadline: May

Japan Prize
This award is for scientific breakthroughs in a category that changes annually. The 2020 theme Life Science. The 2021 theme is Medical Science. The 2022 theme is Ecology/Environment.
Deadline: February