Teaching Essentials Series: Balancing Teaching, Research & Service

Five Hexagons containing the following text: Learning Objectives; Assessment; Designing Instruction; Writing Questions; Teaching, Research & Service

Online (Zoom)


Center for Faculty Excellence
cfe [at] gwu.edu (cfe[at]gwu[dot]edu)

A series of one-hour workshops for scientists, clinicians, researchers, post-docs, and graduate students who want to learn more about key aspects of teaching & learning. Each session has an online component consisting of short videos and brief exercises to do on your own prior to the session. Participants then attend a 1-hour interactive virtual workshop session to apply concepts and get feedback from peers.

Learning Objectives - Balancing Teaching, Research & Service

By the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  1. Identify ways to balance teaching, research, and service in their own careers.
  2. Describe ways one's research, teaching, and service can be connected.
  3. Recognize resources and supports available to health professions education academics.