DC CFAR Traditional Pilot Awards 101 Session

DC Center for Aids Research

Dear DC CFAR Members,

Please join us for the virtual DC CFAR Pilot Awards 101 session hosted by the Developmental Core on Tuesday, January 30, from 3:00-4:00 pm ET. This event will provide an overview of the DC CFAR and an orientation to the Traditional Pilot Awards program. The Traditional Pilot Awards program aims to provide pilot funds on a competitive basis to early-stage and new HIV/AIDS investigators to assist them in the development of their NIH-funded research careers.

The agenda will include an overview of this DC CFAR funding opportunity and the core services available for its members, an opportunity to share research goals and interests, and a

discussion with the Developmental Core Directors.

Register below for the virtual session to receive the Zoom information. Please feel free to share this invitation with colleagues who are not currently DC CFAR members but could

benefit from the information.