7th Annual Harry C. Miller, MD Symposium

Harry C. Miller

Ross Hall, Room 117
2300 Eye Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037


Kim Boddie at kdboddie [at] gwu.edu (kdboddie[at]gwu[dot]edu) or 202-994-9495

The School of Medicine and Health Sciences Department of Urology invites you to join fellow alumni and faculty for the 7th Annual Harry C. Miller, MD Symposium

Balancing Surgical Innovation and Safety:
Lessons from 6,000 Cases

Lee C. Zhao


Lee C. Zhao, MD, MS
Visiting Professor

NYU Grossman School of Medicine
NYU Langone Health System Professor
Departments of Urology and Plastic Surgery Director 
Male Reconstructive Surgery Co-Director 
Transgender Reconstructive Surgery Program