Thoracic, Minimally Invasive Surgery, and Foregut Acting Internship - Blades

Course Number
SURG 383
Course Title Thoracic, Minimally Invasive Surgery, and Foregut Acting Internship - Blades
Course Director
Juliet Lee, MD
Length (Weeks)


When Offered

All year; reservation required in weeks 45 through 13


All core clerkships

Availability Notes

Students are required to complete one core acting internship during their fourth year. This course fulfills the core acting internship graduation requirement.

Contact Name
Angel Dixon
Contact Phone
Contact Fax
Contact Email
Other Contacts

Dr. Lee (jclee [at] (jclee[at]mfa[dot]gwu[dot]edu))


Contact course coordinator


Uniform Clinical Evaluation


Acting internship can be satisfied with a number of surgical electives. While the individual teams will have faculty members who will provide direct supervision and evaluation of the students, Dr. Lee will conduct overall supervision of the progress of the acting interns and the general AI curriculum. Dr. Lee will conduct fourth year specific educational seminar series, trauma simulations, journal club, and the oral presentation. All acting interns will be required to take in-house call, approximately 4-5 calls in 1 month.

The acting internship in thoracic, minimally invasive surgery, and foregut surgery focuses on inpatient care, and students will spend significant time in the operating room, ICU, and surgical wards. Students are assigned to Team Blades.

Course Learning Objectives:

By the end of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Explain the presentation of surgical diseases and the differential diagnosis of the presentation.
  2. Perform the evaluation and work-up of surgical problems as primary and consultant services.
  3. Illustrate the indications for operative management and participate in the operative procedure.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to distinguish critical illness and need for ICU management.
  5. Practice the initial management of the traumatically injured patient.
  6. Perform basic surgical skills.
  7. Practice the role of an intern on the surgical team.
  8. Apply the medical literature to clinical practice.

See syllabus for additional details.

Additional Notes

Students are required to complete one core acting internship during their fourth year. This course fulfills the core acting internship graduation requirement.

As of 2023: Team Blades includes Drs. Vaziri, Mortman, Jackson