
Course Number
MED 451
Course Title Rheumatology
Course Director
Nadine N. Mbuyi, MD
Length (Weeks)

2, 4

When Offered

All year



Availability Notes
Contact Name
Ashley Jean
Contact Phone
Contact Fax
Contact Email
Other Contacts

Dr. Mbuyi (nmbuyi [at] mfa.gwu.edu (nmbuyi[at]mfa[dot]gwu[dot]edu); 202-741-2488)


GW MFA Division of Rheumatology Clinic; 2300 M Street NW, 9th floor, Washington DC 20037

Other location: GW Hospital; 900 23rd Street NW, Washington DC 20037


Students should contact Dr. Mbuyi a week prior to the start of their rotation to clarify reporting requirements and to receive their rotation schedule.


Uniform Clinical Evaluation, clinical conference participation


The adult rheumatology elective is designed for third and fourth-year medical students wishing to gain basic understanding of rheumatologic history taking, examination, diagnosis, and treatment.

This rotation is a two- or four-week, structured clinical experience under direct supervision designed to provide the student experience diagnosing, treating, and caring for patients with rheumatologic diseases.

Clinical experiences are intended to assist the student’s transition from didactic to integrated clinical evaluation and management of patients with rheumatologic disease as their main clinical presentation. Under supervision, students are expected to assist in the management of acute and chronic rheumatologic diseases. Students will work in a variety of settings including the inpatient consultation service, outpatient clinics, and they will attend all didactic conferences.

Inpatient Service: Medical students follow patients on the inpatient consultation service at George Washington University Hospital and they present their patients to the attending on call during rounds (students will contact the fellow-on-call via TigerText for patient assignments).

Outpatient Clinics: Medical students attend and see patients with different attending physicians at the GW MFA Division of Rheumatology clinic. Students are expected to see patients and to present to the attending physician. 

Conferences: Medical students are expected to attend all rheumatology conferences (including didactic sessions, journal club, and case conferences).

Course Learning Objectives:

By the end of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Practice basic skills in obtaining a history and performing a physical exam with emphasis on the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Recognize indications for appropriate laboratory and diagnostic tests for rheumatologic diseases.
  3. Identify common clinical presentations, evaluation and management of rheumatologic disorders.
  4. Demonstrate familiarity with ancillary diagnostic procedures (arthrocentesis and imaging studies).
Additional Notes

Please see syllabus for further information: MED 451 Rheumatology Syllabus 2025

Educational Resources:

ViP lecture videos (organized by American College of Rheumatology)

Additional educational material

  • Rheumatology.org (website of the American College of Rheumatology)
  • Rheumtutor.com (excellent resource to review rheumatologic physical exam and joint injection techniques)
  • Rheuminfo.com (contains several educational tools for trainees, rheumatologists, and patients)