Introduction to Anesthesia

Course Number
ANES 302
Course Title Introduction to Anesthesia
Course Director
Geetha Shanmugam, MD
Length (Weeks)


When Offered

All year except weeks 2-5



Availability Notes

Students may take either ANES 302 or ANES 380 to fulfill anesthesia requirement. ANES 302 is available to 3rd year students exclusively during weeks 36-39. For the rest of the year, it is subject to availability after 4th year students are placed. MS4s have placement and waitlist priority.

Contact Name
Neyota Washington
Contact Phone
Contact Fax
Contact Email
Other Contacts

Dr. Shanmugam (gshanmugam [at] (gshanmugam[at]mfa[dot]gwu[dot]edu))

12 (combined total for ANES 302 and ANES 380)

All students must report to the ICU fellow at 7:30am on the first day of the course (for orientation) at GW Hospital's ICU 5th floor (room 51048). ICU fellow’s number: 202-715-6141.


Honors/High Pass/Pass/Conditional/Fail. See syllabus for additional details.


This course is intended as an introduction to the specialty of anesthesiology. Students will develop an understanding of the anesthetic preoperative evaluation and the preoperative physiologic effects of anesthesia. In addition, students will gain experience in the areas of IV placement and airway management. Note: students will be assigned, at the department’s discretion, to GW Hospital or other affiliated hospitals. Additional faculty: members of the Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care and the members of the anesthesia departments of affiliated hospitals.

This course fulfills the anesthesia requirement. Students also have the option of taking the 4-week Anesthesia Sub Internship (ANES 380), in which case they are not required to fulfill ANES 302.

See syllabus for additional details.

Additional Notes

Clerkship Learning Objectives:

By the end of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Practice placement of intravenous angiocatheters.
  2. Demonstrate recognition of the impact of surgical stress, anesthetic agents, and related drugs on normal cardiac and pulmonary physiology.
  3. Demonstrate proficiency in mask ventilation and use of airway adjuncts.
  4. Apply principles of medical knowledge to perioperative ventilator management.
  5. Practice formulating an appropriate anesthetic plan for the defined surgical procedure and patient with and without comorbidities.
  6. Demonstrate appropriate professional and ethical behaviors related to perioperative patients and other healthcare professionals.
  7. Demonstrate the ability to present a case in an oral format.
  8. Perform a focused history and physical exam.
  9. Demonstrate effective communication with patients and families.
  10. Demonstrate the ability to care for a perioperative patient.

See syllabus for additional details.