GW Hospital

Farzad Najam, M.D., F.A.C.S., has been named Division Director of the Division of Cardiac Surgery at the GW Hospital.
Babak Sarani, M.D., chief of trauma and associate professor of surgery, was quoted in the Washington Business Journal's BizBeat article on the GW Hospital being re-verified as a Level 1 Trauma Center.
Dominic Raj, M.D., professor of medicine, was quoted in a Washington Business Journal article announcing that the George Washington University Hospital will now be able to provide high-quality renal disease services in the Washington D.C. region.
The GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences, in partnership with the GW Hospital and the GW Medical Faculty Associates, participated in the 2014 NBC4 Health and Fitness Expo on Jan. 11 and 12.
Babak Sarani, M.D., associate professor of surgery and chief of trauma and acute surgery, was profiled in an MSNBC segment for his involvement in treating victims of the Navy Yard tragedy and the gunshot wounds he regularly treats as chief of trauma at the GW Hospital.
GW’s School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS), the GW Hospital, and the GW Medical Faculty Associates (MFA) hosted Stroke Screening Day to help community members identify their risk factors for stroke on May 10.
The George Washington University Hospital has been moving medicine forward for the benefit of the region and beyond since 1825.
Women in pink scarves, hats, and jackets filed into the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, Oct. 24. They registered and received nametags, but few needed them; they were at home. As they entered the reception hall faces lit up and hugs were given freely as old friends reunited.
The School of Medicine and Health Sciences, along with the GW Medical Faculty Associates and the GW Hospital, hosted a free cancer screening day on Oct. 19 from 9 am to 2 pm. GW offered screening for skin cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and administered lung-function testing.
News Channel 8 covered the free cancer screening day with SMHS, the GW Medical Faculty Associates and George Washington University Hospital on Friday, Oct. 19.