Events Archive


A Grand Rounds on the Psychology of Shame, Resilience, and Medical Learners that the Resiliency & Well-being Center and Evaluation & Educational Research are doing at 12 p.m. ET on June 15th. 


Join us for a lecture on "Skills to Support Women’s Well-being: Effectively Discussing and Assessing Mood Without Judgment" from 12-1 p.m. ET on Friday, June 10, 2022, as part of the GW Resiliency & Well-being Center's Women’s Well-being Lecture Series.


You are welcome to join our admission staff in discussing the upcoming application cycle for the M.D. Program.


The School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Biomedical Laboratory Sciences Department invites students interested in healthcare programs to attend our upcoming Open House.


View the Celebration Details.


View the Celebration Details.


Please join the faculty and students of the GW Alpha Chapter Alpha Omega Alpha (AΩA) Medical Honor Society, Thursday, May 12, 2022 for the Annual Internal Medicine Grand Rounds and Leaders in Medicine Graduation Week teleconference events.


You are welcome to join our admission staff in discussing the upcoming application cycle for the M.D. Program.


The incoming Physician Assistant class will receive their short white coats during the annual ceremony commemorating the start of their academic journey as health care professionals.


This year there will be a special medical student research day to be held on April 28th that is distinct from the university-wide research day. This is an opportunity for all medical students to showcase their work through poster sessions and selected oral presentations.