Post Graduate Diploma Program in Emergency Medicine

Emergency Medicine (EM) is a relatively new specialty within medicine that is expanding at a phenomenal pace throughout the globe. Within the international community, leaders in medicine, health economics, public health, and government have recognized the need to develop systems that respond to acute medical and surgical emergencies. Emergency medicine is the unique discipline and independent specialty with a unique body of knowledge that focuses on responding to these life-threatening events. Many countries have already recognized the specialty of EM and offer specific training programs in emergency medicine. India has initiated a few training programs at a limited number of institutions, but an enormous critical need still exists to train many more Emergency Physicians for the nation’s large demand for these healthcare providers. The vast majority of emergency care in India is provided by persons working in Emergency Departments who have had little or no formalized training in the specialty. This Diploma program has been designed for those practicing physicians, a targeted educational program to enhance their formal training in Emergency Medicine.

A unique partnership has been formed between the Indian Medical Association College of General Practitioners (IMA CGP) and the Medical Faculty Associates with the Ronald Reagan Institute of Emergency Medicine (MFA-RRIEM) at the George Washington University to launch the one-year Post-graduate Diploma Program in Emergency Medicine. The two institutions will train physicians in various centers in India, and prepare these Diploma candidates to practice in the complex and challenging arena of emergency medicine at the highest levels.

Through didactic and clinical instruction by faculty qualified in Emergency Medicine, the Diploma candidates will have guidance and education in the specific topics and skills that constitute the field of emergency medicine. The faculty will provide lectures, seminars, simulations, and clinical teaching to the Diploma candidates.  The quality of the education programs will be maintained through continuous assessments of the Diploma candidates, the faculty, and the overall Diploma program.

The Post-graduate Diploma Program in Emergency Medicine will place IMA CGP at the forefront of medicine, and it will prepare a new generation of leaders in medicine who will expand the field of Emergency Medicine throughout India.

Partner Institutions

Deepam Hospital

Indian Medical Association/College of General Practitioners

Pushpanjali Crosslay Hospital, New Delhi

Meenakshi Mission Hospital & Research Center, Madurai

For information about the program at Meenakshi Mission, please contact:

Dr. Narendra Nath Jena
Course Coordinator PGDEM (U.S.A)
Sr.Consultant & HOD
Dept of Accident & Emergency Medicine
Meenakshi Mission Hospital & Research Center
Mob No-91-9944384994