Clinical Expectations

General Responsibilities

The Fellows will be expected to partake in all areas of patient care at the Breast Imaging and Intervention Center. Fellow responsibilities are categorized as Clinical and Non-clinical responsibilities.

Clinical Responsibilities: Diagnostic, Interventional, Screening

  • Diagnostic
    • Interpret and review patient images, acquire additional imaging if necessary, consult with patients to discuss findings and appropriate follow-up care.
  • Interventional
    • Perform imaging-guided biopsies (FNA, CNB, US, stereotactic, MRI, Gamma guided), review post-biopsy mammogram to ensure concordance, reveal biopsy results and ensure proper wound healing at the 1 week post-biopsy clinic.
  • Screening
    • Interpretation and review of patient images from the Breast Imaging and Intervention Center, 19th street clinic, and mammovan. In addition, the screening rotation Fellow reviews MRI’s, BSGI’s, and 3D ultrasound examinations.

Non-clinical Responsibilities

  • Multi-disciplinary Conference -  “Tumor Board” (Thursdays, 4:00PM – 5:00PM)
    • Fellows will present the list of cases of all newly diagnosed breast cancer for discussion. A list of cases is provided 1-2 days prior to the conference.
  • In addition to the weekly multi-disciplinary conference, there are monthly Radiology/Pathology Correlation Conferences and monthly Journal Club.
    • Radiology/Pathology Correlation Conference
      • Fellows will organize the conference, choose cases, and review with the attending either thematic or current interesting cases.
    • Journal Club
      • Fellows will organize journal club and review articles regarding the selected topic for discussion.

Various multi-disciplinary conferences occur throughout the year and are hosted by the GWU Hospital. Fellows are encouraged to attend.