GI Radiology (Fluoroscopy)


GI/GU Radiology training occurs throughout all four years of the residency, including four weeks in the first year and six to eight weeks spread over the remaining years. The service is responsible for performing GI/GU fluoroscopic studies such as esophagrams, modified barium swallowing studies, upper GI series, contrast enemas, hysterosalpingograms, cystograms, and interpretation of retrograde urography.

The resident is given increasing responsibility and independence in the performance of studies; during the first year rotations, the resident is paired with a senior resident and supervised from the "control booth" by the faculty who provide real-time advice and constructive feedback on the resident's interactions with patients.


Since much GI/GU pathology is best imaged using cross-sectional techniques, the knowledge-based goals and objectives for GI/GU Radiology are integrated with the modality rotations on Body CT/MRI and US. Residents become fluent in all modalities used to image processes which affect the GI and GU tract. 


8 AM - 4PM daily

R1s: 4 weeks

R2s-R4s: 2-4 weeks/year