News Archive

We are so proud of Andrew who was granted his PhD in Microbiology and Immunology today!

We are so proud of Teresa Murphy who was selected for predoctoral funding through our GW training grant T32 in HIV Persistence, Comorbidities and Therapeutics.

We are excited to share our findings on HIV-1 reservoir diversity and sensitivity to neutralization by broadly neutralizing antibodies. It is a first author paper by graduate student Andrew Wilson.

We are so proud of Michelle Papa who was awarded a Postdoctoral Scholar Registration award to attend the 40th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology (ASV 2021)!

We are excited to announce that Teresa Murphy has recently joined the Lynch Lab as a graduate student in the IBS Micro program!

We are so proud of undergraduate Leyn Shakhtour who was awarded the Sigelman Undergraduate Research Enhancement (SURE) Award to support her research experience at the Lynch Lab by attending national scientific conferences CROI and ASV!

We are excited to share our findings on HIV-1 reservoir diversity quantification using the Intact Proviral DNA Assay (IPDA) that was a collaboration with the Jones Lab at Weill Cornell Medical. It includes sequencing work by graduate student Andrew Wilson.

Congratulations Andrew Wilson on your first review paper!

We are excited to announce that Jumana Akoad has recently joined the Lynch Lab as our Research Assistant.

We were awarded a new R01 to investigate HIV-1 resistance to treatment with broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies!