
The core curriculum has been developed as a conference based format. The didactic conferences are held weekly each Friday afternoon starting at 2:00 PM. Each conference is supervised by an attending faculty and led by one resident. During these conferences, a two year cycle of topics are covered. Conferences are divided equally into general subject areas: Head and Neck Surgery, Rhinology/Skull Base, Laryngology, Otology, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and General Otolaryngology. A curriculum covering all major topics within each of these areas has been constructed with selected readings from Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery texts edited by Cummings et al., Bailey et al., Glasscock et al., and material published by the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery such as COCLIA. Virtual otolaryngology lectures developed at the start of the COVID pandemic will also serve as supplementary material.  In addition, patient based learning is emphasized during the weekly didactic conferences. A resident is responsible for discussing a patient from their own clinical experience that exemplifies a major teaching point of the topic covered at each conference.  Every quarter, a wellness day is incorporated into the curriculum.  The residents can elect to use this wellness day for anything: exercise, sleep, social hour, healthcare appointments, car maintainence, family time, etc.

Once a month, the Graduate Medical Education Office has mandatory conferences either at 7:00AM or 12:00PM.  Topics change every year, and topics have included physician wellness, negotiations and contracts, malpractice, quality improvement, health disparities, research, root case analysis, and professionalism.  The GME Leadership are very strong advocates for resident education and well-being.

We recognize that simulation is playing more of a role in surigical training.  To stay current with surgical education innovation, we have simulation labs and other simulated opportunities:

  1. Under the guidance of Dr. Ashkan Monfared, the Center for Otolaryngology Microsurgery  Education and Training (COMET) was opened on March 20, 2013.  COMET is a six station state-of-the-art surgical training and simulation center for otology and lateral skull base surgery.  Once a month PGY-2 through PGY-5 residents spend 3 hours on Friday afternoons practicing and perfecting basic and advanced otologic skills.
  2. Through the use of the Washington Institute of Surgical Education and Research (WISER), we have access to robotic trainers to allow faculty and residents to practice and refine novel transoral robotic techniques prior to the operating room.
  3. Once a year, the residents have protected time to spend a day in a fresh cadaver endoscopic sinus surgery lab at an off-site location.  This past summer we had an inaugural temporal bone lab with fresh cadavers and we hope to continue this special lab in the future.
  4. Junior residents are expected to attend a local simulated otolaryngology boot camp. This boot camp is attended by other junior residents from regional programs and are staffed by attendings from numerous otolaryngology residency programs.  Senior residents are also granted protected time to attend a local laryngology workshop that supplements their senior level rotations.
  5. We also partner closely with the Walter Reed military otolaryngology program where residents can electively attend cadaver labs for microvascular surgery, sleep apnea surgery (including the hypoglossal nerve stimulator and maxillomandibular advancement), and laryngeal surgery.



In addition to the core curriculum and GME conferences, additional conferences are offered on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis.

  • Otolaryngology Grand Rounds

    Otolaryngology Grand Rounds are held once a month. Both local and nationally recognized faculty are invited to present current topic. Otolaryngology Grand Rounds is organized and attended by the faculty, residents, and medical students at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences and Children's National Health System.  Outside otolaryngology attendings will often attend.
  • Head and Neck Tumor Board

    Twice per month, a multi-disciplinary tumor board is attended by the faculty, residents and medical students in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Neuroradiology, Pathology, Medical Oncology, and Radiation Therapy. During this conference, all new patients with a diagnosis of head and neck carcinoma are evaluated by the members of the tumor board in a simultaneous consultation. Treatment options are discussed by each discipline. In addition, patients who are admitted into one of the organ preservation protocols return at the completion of each stage of therapy to assess response and to determine the recommended next step in treatment. Over 100 patients have been enrolled into one of the organ preservation protocols.
  • Morbidity and Mortality

    Once a month, all morbidities and mortalities from the three major teaching facilities are reviewed. The resident most involved in the care of the patient with a complication is responsible for presentation of the complication. The resident will present the clinical situation in which the complication occurred including co-morbid disease. The resident should discuss critical decision making that was associated with this complication including appropriate management of the complication.
  • Head and Neck Pathology Conference

    Once a month, the surgical pathology of all head and neck tumor specimens are reviewed. The conference is attended by the Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery faculty, residents, and medical students. The pathology is presented by the Surgical Pathology Faculty. Critical diagnostic features are reviewed.
  • Neuroradiology Conference

    Once a month, images of head and neck cases are reviewed. The conference is attended by the Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery faculty, residents, and medical students. The radiology is presented by the Neuroradiology Faculty. Critical diagnostic features are reviewed.
  • Endocrine Conference

    On a quarterly basis, the faculty, residents, and medical students from the Divisions of Otolaryngology and Endocrinology will hold a multi-specialty endocrine conference to enhance patient based learning in the area of endocrine disease of the head and neck. Otolaryngology residents and endocrinology fellows are responsible for identifying patients seen in consultation for the evaluation and management of thyroid and parathyroid disease at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. The residents will be responsible for presenting the patient's history and physical examination, reviewing pertinent radiological studies, and discussing treatment options. Both pre-operative and post-operative evaluations will be reviewed. Critical thinking of treatment options will be emphasized.
  • Research Huddle

    Once a month, attendings, residents, medical students and other research staff meet for an hour to discuss ongoing research and explore new areas to research.

All conferences are protected time and attendence is mandatory with some exceptions.  ​​​​​